Busuk Chronicles

Sunday 18 October 2015

CD REVIEW: ANAL FISSURE (Philippines) - "Mind of a Serial Killer" CD (2015), by Andrew Sick

Anal Fissure (DasmariƱas, Cavite, Philippines) - Mind of a Serial Killer (BRUTE PRODUCTIONS)

Philippines is a country thriving in the Brutal Death Fucking Metal in recent years and a new band is again emerging from this brutal fucking land called Anal Fissure to offer their debut album entitled "Mind of a Serial Killer"! Anal Fissure is Untz (Vocals), AC (Guitars), G-Boy (Bass), Myke (Drums) and the quartet are performing a pure disgusting Brutal Death Fucking Metal similar to other bands of their country and could be described as a mix between Disastrous and Human Mastication! "Mind of a Serial Killer" is almost 32 fucking minutes of insane fucking brutality that are mostly really fucking brilliant mixing the blastbeat, slow and slam parts with a shitty atmosphere of depraved fucking butchery! Untz on vocals is performing a powerful fucking guttural perhaps a bit linear but still totally fucking enjoyable, AC is giving in general excellent fucking riffs with a composition of high fucking quality, G-Boy on bass is fucking awesome with some moments very successful and finally, Myke is delivering a brutal fucking drumming mixing the ton of blastbeats with the slower parts making his job varied and fucking great! 10 songs of pure fucking insanity all fucking great with several addictive elements but surely each song contains some riffs somewhat less successful but generally this fucking shit destroys everything in its fucking path with a brutal songwriting and a great fucking debut! The production of this fucking shit is very well done, a great mixing with a destructive fucking sound that makes sound this fucking CD like a real fucking ton of shit chewed by some filthy fucking whores while being beaten by pleasure! "Mind of Serial Killer" is containing all the shitty fucking elements of Brutal Death Metal and make this album probably more accessible and despite some brutal riffs a little less successful is fucking excellent from start to end and is an important fucking piece of the shitty puzzle in the fucking genre! Anal Fissure just delivered an amazing debut fucking album making their mark in the fucking style and highly recommended to all fans of brutality! Pure Fucking Brutality of Disgusting Fucking Insanity! 9/10. [This review was first published by Andrew Sick of Sick Reviews and is used here with his kind written permission.]

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