Busuk Chronicles

Friday 2 October 2015

CD REVIEW: BREAKING THE HYOID (South-West Sydney Hardcore) - Demo, by Collin Brophy, 1/10/15

Breaking The Hyoid Demo 2015, by Collin Brophy

Breaking The Hyoid has only been around since May 2013 and since then they have built up quite a following in their home town of Sydney, Australia. The guys played their first show back in May 2013 at The Valve Bar in Sydney. From what I have been told by some of the people who went, Breaking The Hyoid is one young up and coming Hardcore band to watch and one to see live.

I couldn’t find too much information on these guys, only what’s on their Facebook page. They describe themselves as a Melodic Hardcore band based in South-Western Sydney.

Band Members:
Jake Lilli - Vocals
Tim Morgan - Guitars
Wade Gardner - Drums
Damon Williams - Guitars
Elijah Deala - Bass

Breaking The Hyoid 2015 Demo songs: 1. Burden, 2. Violent Nature, 3. I’ll Hate You Better.

I have only known about Breaking The Hyoid for around a month now, and from what I can gather they are a very committed bunch of guys who are more than happy to show off their talents and this demo proves just how talented these guys are.

Straight from the start with “Burden” these guys don’t hold back any punches with this track. Burden is straight in your face hardcore, very catchy and it’s one of those track that makes you want to get up and start a pit in you lounge room.

“Violent Nature” is a softer slower-paced track but it still has that hardcore element in it; this track showcases just how talented these guys are, not just in playing their instruments but also the vocals on this track.

“I’ll Hate You Better”, well there is no let up with this track - straight into it and it doesn’t stop until the track is finished. Around halfway through the song the vocalist speaks the works instead of singing, and this works really well.

I found it very hard to find any faults or anything negative about this demo, all members complement each other very well in their playing styles as well as the vocals, which I was very impressed with. These are five very talented musicians who obviously love what they do as it comes through on this demo.

Breaking The Hyoid’s demo is just amazing and just what you would expect from a band with a name like Breaking The Hyoid. For a demo that is just under 15 minutes, it leaves you wanting more. If this is just a demo of what they can do then look out these guys have a very big future ahead of them.

If you can get your hands on this demo I highly recommend that you do.

[By Collin Brophy for Busuk Chronicles.]

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