Busuk Chronicles

Monday 22 February 2016

NEWS / VIDEO: VALERIAN releases debut album "Stardust Revelation" (Surabaya Power Metal)

Valerian - Stardust Revelation
Price: Rp. 50.000 (INA) | USD $10 (Worldwide)
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With VALERIAN band from Surabaya you always know you are going to hear high-standard material. The band does not put its name to anything mediocre. Fans heard debut EP Dawn of New Hope and the two pre-release singles "Stardust Revelation" and "Glorious Anthem" and we can be sure the new album will be excellent. VALERIAN play old-school melodic power-metal similar to Helloween or Queensryche or Savatage or Rainbow or Sacred Warrior complete with virtuoso keyboards from Daniel and guitar tag shred from Dimas and Harman. The best part of the band though is the dirty vocals from Ridwan, who has the technique and range to hit the high notes but is best known for a voice that reflects the hard emotions of a tough life. Call it Helloween with Vince Neil on vocals. His voice even reminds me of Australia's favourite son Jimmy Barnes. On this album we also have guest female vocals from Ms Dhinie (Allegrea band). VALERIAN is a band that deserves international recognition, a band that plays with spirit and fire [by Kieran James].

Stardust Revelation single

Glorious Anthem official video

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