Busuk Chronicles

Tuesday 28 June 2016

CD REVIEW: STIGMATUARY (Bandung) - "Decimation of Psyche" CD (2016), by Andrew Sick, 24/6/2016

STIGMATUARY (Bandung Death Metal) - Decimation of Psyche CD (Rottrevore Records / Rottrevore Records USA)

From Bandung after their excellent promo CD in 2013, Stigmatuary is now finally ready to offer their highly anticipated debut f***ing album called "Decimation of Psyche" that highly meets expectations with a brilliant f***ing release of high quality in the genre! These crazy Indonesians are performing a sick, fast and highly addictive Brutal Death F***ing Metal ranking this f***ing opus of brutality among the best in this specific f***ing genre but also placing them at the forefront of the Indonesian scene! "Decimation of Psyche" contains 11 songs including a sample intro (US version added with the Promo 2013 as bonus tracks) and all the songs are greatly f***ing composed having in each of them a bunch of catchy riffs with the drums destroying everything in its f***ing path and all of this making you f***ing addicted to this shitty piece of pure brutal f***ing brilliance! Musically this f***ing shit is almost f***ing perfect because all aspects are f***ing great and maybe having a few rare parts a little less enjoyable but you need to find them because they are almost nonexistent! "Decimation of Psyche" has nothing new or original but they know how to excel in their shitty genre to give us an unforgettable brutal primitive f***ing experience to stick eternally in our f***ing essence! Stigmatuary consists of Akbar "Benk" Safari (Vocals), Faisal Faiz Sabani (Guitars), Donovan Tusiwa (Bass), Oki Fadhlan Pamungkas (Drums) and the four sickos are just f***ing genius by giving an amazing performance to all f***ing levels and offering a successful debut album! Akbar has a mighty f***ing vocal maybe lacking guttural and being a little repetitive but in general never get boring, Faisal is showing us how to play f***ing true brutal death with his crazy addictive riffs from start to end and a brilliant songwriting, the same for Donovan on bass doing a great f***ing job and finally Oki giving an extreme drumming of the most enjoying with his non stop blast and intense brutality! The production of this release is for me near perfect, excellent mixing with an explosive and perfect f***ing sound giving to this shit an old skull and straight brutal f***ing atmosphere! "Decimation of Psyche" is 33 f***ing minutes of pure f***ing brutality having this special addictive touch making this album a genius f***ing piece of insanity that could be compared with the best of its genre! Stigmatuary is delivering a monumental debut release highly recommended to each Death Metal / Brutal Death sicko who has some preference for pure brutality at its f***ing best! Ingenious Brutal F***ing Piece of Pure Addictive F***ing Insanity! 9.5/10. [This review was first published by Andrew Sick of Sick Reviews on 24 June 2016 and is used here with his kind permission.]

Bandung Death Metal City - view from 17th Floor, Ibis Hotel

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