Busuk Chronicles

Thursday 25 August 2016

CD REVIEW: MURTAD (Bogor) - "Extirpate the Remaining Breath" CD (2015), by Andrew Sick

Murtad (Bogor) - Extirpate the Remaining Breath CD (2015) (Necrology Records)

From Bogor and formed in 2009, Murtad are finally ready to offer a real f***ing piece of brutality with their highly anticipated debut full-length album "Extirpate the Remaining Breath"! Murtad is Pungky Heriansyah on Vocals, Andri Soebangsa on Guitars, Katon Gilang Ramadhan on Drums and the insane Indo f***ing trio are performing a f***ing sick Bruta
l Death F***ing Metal totally crazy as f*** which can be compared to albums like She Lay Gutted in its sickness! A total devastation from this band's first effort which delivers pure brutal death metal with a nasty f***ing production, well done mixing and this shit sounds really like a ton of TNT exploding during 31 f***ing minutes which dismembers all in its f***ing path! Pungky on vocals is f***ing insane and making his guttural f***ing addictive by giving an extraordinary performance on this shitty f***ing release; Andri is for the most part f***ing perfect at every f***ing side, maybe offering some riffs sometimes a little less good than others but nothing is boring here, and with a near perfect composition that makes this whole f***ing shit enjoyable from start to end; and finally Katon on drums who is completely f***ing brutal as f*** giving a damn fast drumming but being also very diversified and giving one of the most successful f***ing performances ever! "Extirpate the Remaining Breath" contains nine songs including an excellent f***ing cover of Jasad and all songs from this virtuoso sick f***ing shit are all f***ing awesome and as mentioned above, it can contains some rare less good parts but still f***ing eargasmic in all ways with a great butchering f***ing atmosphere adding to this release its own f***ing identity! Murtad just dumped a f***ing genius shit which is maybe not flawless in all points but still nearly f***ing perfect and it would be a f***ing crime for a Brutal Death Metaller to not owning this real f***ing bomb of brutality! Fantastic F***ing Piece of True F***ing Brutality! 9/10. [This review was first published by Andrew Sick of Sick Reviews and is used here with his kind permission.]
Left to Right: John Yoedi and Kieran James (Busuk Webzine), and Andri Murtad @ Hammersonic Fest 2013

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