Busuk Chronicles

Friday 23 September 2016

NEW INTERVIEW: Our first interview with MATICRUST (Filipino / UAE band: Grind Crust Punk)

MATICRUST @ Obscene Extreme Fest 2016. Left to Right: Rippon, Dondon, Dennis The Menace, Erickson, and Infectious Dri. The guitarist of Devourment is in the background. The drummer is UAE-based Indian whilst the other band members are Filipinos also based in the UAE (three guys from Manila and one from Lucena).
Busuk Webzine Net  Interview
Kieran James1: Hi, can you tell me the early history from the formation of the band up to now?
MATICRUST band: Maticrust started in 2012 with me [Dondon], Dennis, Owgz and Ericson. I was the drummer before until eventually we found a drummer so now I help Ericson with the vocals. Maticrust is composed of Terror Rust, Antipathy, C.O.R and Bad Omen. And the band was formed here in the U.A.E [United Arab Emirates] but we have all been active since 1995 in different bands.
MATICRUST live @ Obscene Extreme Fest 2016.
KJ2: How is the response of people to your mini-albums / album / demos?
They are supportive in terms of getting their copies of the old demo and they show much appreciation for us by attending our gigs as well
KJ3: What are the most influential bands for you guys in playing music?
We’re influenced by Disrupt, Extreme Noise Terror, Terrorizer, Insect Warfare, Phobia, Doom, Old Brutal Truth and Masskontroll
KJ4: What are your future plans for the band?
We plan to tour in South-east Asia which is happening next year namely Thailand, Singapore and the Philippines. And also the release of our EP Inhumane World Deprivation.
KJ5: Are the songs you create using English or foreign lyrics?
We use English so anyone can understand.
KJ6: What are the lyrical themes?
Our lyrics are based on Anti-War, Bullshit Socio-Political System, and Social Discriminations.
KJ7: Why do you all like to play old-school instead of deathcore or other modern styles?
Because we started in the scene around mid-90’s so we are used to and like to play the old-school way and to us it’s faster and has a direct way of showing and expressing Grind/Crust/Punk. 
KJ8: When did you first become fans of metal / punk bands?
By mid-90’s.
KJ9: What do you say to people who ask why you play western-style music?
Because that’s what we have been motivated by since we started it all.
KJ10: Do the wives and girlfriends of the personnel support what you are doing?
Yeah, they know it and every tour they are there to support us all the way; afterwards they enjoy it as well.
KJ11: What are the best and worst things about the community in your city?
In the UAE the scene here is already developed because we built a kolektib here especially for the people who want to see the grind, punk, crust community because the scene here before was composed only of black, death and trash metal. The worst things here are the people who want to sabotage some gigs like someone giving false info to the government about a gig production. We all know how sensitive in terms of religion this country is so if there’s a satanic involvement the government will put a stop to that event even if the organizer spent so much money on it. They can do anything just to cancel the event because of an asshole sicko who told a lie so that the show will be stopped.
KJ12: What are your most memorable shows or experiences onstage? / KJ13: Have you got any message for the fans?
Our most memorable experience is The Obscene Extreme Festival 2016 because that was our dream playing with crust, grindcore, punk, and brutal death bands in that Woodstock Musick Festival. The most interesting part for us was that we played alongside Extreme Noise Terror, Insect Warfare, Deathside, Rotten Sound, Brujeria, Toxic Holocaust, Venomous Concept, Lock-Up, and War Wound. Totally it was the most memorable show for us in our lives and we had the most supportive audience as well.
KJ14: OK, thank you very much.
Thanks Busuk Webzine for this opportunity to interview for your webzine, Keep it Up and Grind-On!!!In Grind, We Crust!!!
MATICRUST live @ Obscene Extreme Fest 2016:

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