Busuk Chronicles

Tuesday 8 November 2016

NEW INTERVIEW: Our first interview with PULVERIZED (Manila, Philippines Death Metal), 17/10/16 (English)

Kieran James (Busuk Chronicles)1: Hi, can you tell me the early history from the formation of the band up to now? Answer: It all started early /late 2015 when the band here called "Inhuman Perversion" decided to split up because of the certain issue about its lead vocals resulting in split. I already come with them in rehearsals and do a vocal trippings and because of that we gino (guitarist) and philip (drums) have an interest in doing more than what they do because they were formerly a brutal slam band and we want a more brutal style with a blast. Pulverized were formed and our first rehearsal went successfully and so we exist until now. KJ2: How is the response of people to your mini-albums / album / demos? Answer: We got an opportunity on 24 March 2016 to release a 4 track EP called Realm of Sufferance (3 original compositions and 1 cover from Defeated Sanity titled "Engulfed In Excruciation" from Chapters of Repugnance Album) which was released by Lyakot Productions Thailand. A lot have a good feedback and some negative points in the part of the record but still a lot purchase our EP. 
KJ3: What are the most influential bands for you guys in playing music? Answer: Defeated Sanity, Putridity, Disgorge USA, Disentomb, Brodequin, Kataplexia, Liturgy, Heinous Killings and a lot from the bdm releases. 
KJ4: What are your future plans for the band? Answer: Hopefully to release a full length in the future, play with our influence bands together, and a chance to play in asia hopefully or USA and europe! 
KJ5: Are the songs you create using English or foreign lyrics? Answer: Yes we use english and we all help out to put all the songs together including lyrics. 
KJ6: What are the lyrical themes? Answer: Death, Brutality, Serial killings, Doom etc specifically brutal death! 
KJ7: Why do you all like to play old-school instead of deathcore or other modern styles? Answer: Brutal death metal for us is more unique from the insane riffs, blast parts of the drums (including snare ping madness haha) and the gutturals too. This genre is more interesting every time rather than deathcore or whatsoever cause it is all the same sound for me. We like goregrind, grindcore, death thrash and so on death metal related. Death metal rules! 
KJ8: When did you first become fans of metal bands? Answer: It all started in high school when the uncle of my friend in my place introduced me to some deicide and vital remains songs because they have a band covering "Dechristianized" by Vital remains and a deicide song and it made me amazed and I got interested to search all about it. 
KJ9: What do you say to people who ask why you play western-style music? Answer: We just tell that we do extreme stuffs and yet some are annoyed by this kind of music here but yeah there's a lot of metal bands here in the philippines and some of them are good and appreciate it. 
KJ10: Do the wives and girlfriends of the personnel support what you are doing? Answer: Our girlfriends support us because they also listen to this kind of music but my parents are not haha! They call me son of the devil asking do I worship satan in that kind of noise, I can't argue because they don't know this loll...
KJ11: What are the best and worst things about the community in your city? Answer: Sometimes there are no limits on time in local gigs here meaning we're not like other countries that start early and end early because of the policy about that. Because here shows start at night and last till midnight but a lot of the time they end in the morning haha. Worst thing here is drugs idk much.
KJ12: What are your most memorable shows or experiences onstage? Answer: To play with all our brothers in brutality here and an experience to play with Perverted Dexterity (indonesia), Undead Daredevil (Japan) and Neuroticos (Japan) on 30th october. Worst that happen is our slot in a gig is moved even though we are already there in the venue and earlier than the organizers, it always happen all the time here with other bands, it's like a f***ing disease lolll 
KJ13: Have you got any message for the fans? Answer: To all our supporters/friends here in the philippines and in the world: thankyou so much for supporting us since we were formed and to all who bought our cds. Maybe soon we will release new songs; just let's see what will happen. Cheers! Thank you too Mr.Buzuk for this and stay sick! For those who don't have yet our CDs just contact us through PM @ Facebook.com/PulverizedPh or through our label or check some of distro/labels outside the philippines.

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