Busuk Chronicles

Monday 6 February 2017

NEW INTERVIEW: Our first interview with CRITICAL DISASTER (Kediri Kingdom Death Metal), 4/2/17

Kieran James (Busuk Chronicles): Hi, can you tell me the early history from the formation of the band up to now? / KJ1: Hai, bisakah kamu menceritakan sejarah awal terbentuknya band kalian hingga sekarang?
ANSWER by Harispa: CRITICAL DISASTER band was formed in early 2011 in January in Bangsal village; sub-district Pesantren; Kediri eastern Java town; Indonesia. We gave the name which means in accordance with nature and living beings in today's condition - critical condition disaster always leads to death. At the end of 2010 we comprised Harispa and Batok/Rizki Kurnia. We were still looking for partners to join the band and make concept BRUTAL DEATH METAL, and in early 2011 we found the first colleagues who formed the following formation: HARISPA (GUITAR); BATOK/RIZKI KURNIA (VOCAL); THE KIP/Sigit (BASS); ARHPAND (DRUM) and in this formation we released our first single titled "Abortion Fetus Vicious''.

Then at the end of this stage of the journey there was a problem. Two members Thekip and Arhpand, continued to confuse us again and we had to look for new personnel, but despite this situation we were left with Harispa and Batok/Rizki Kurnia. We did not give in but continued on in the GLOBAL METAL UNDERGROUND. We soon found a new partner by recruiting Robby Demontia, but there were still only three of us with a vacancy in the bass position. Shortly thereafter Bogie Demontia wanted to join us to fill in as bassist, and he responded to the material that we gave and ended up joining the line-up. He left because he was focusing on Demontia band, and we were forced to find another bassist; slowly we looked for a match and finally we found a new bassist Martin Tenggorokan. Martin responded to the materials we gave, and the formation was then: HARISPA (GUITAR); BATOK/RIZKI KURNIA (VOCAL); ROBBY (DRUM); MARTIN (BASS) and in this formation we released our first Demo called Demo 2011 which contains 3 songs: 1 Intro; 2 Carnage in mortuary; and 3 Segumpal darah busuk. One of the songs from our demo is included in the compilation of Kediri Metal Aggression.

At the beginning of 2012 we changed the concept and there was a change in formation. We used two guitars, and we were looking for a new bassist as our bassist Martin was now a guitarist and so in our vacant bass position we soon found a new bassist, namely Pliituu, and the formation then became: BATOK/RISKI KURNIA - (VOCAL); HARISPA - (GUITAR); MARTIN - (GUITAR); ROBBY - (DRUM); PLIITUU - (BASS). In this formation we released the single 2013 titled "Tsunami". The single has become our new material. And we were inactive for a long time because there were a couple of issues, and finally at the beginning of 2014 we changed formation again, and Harispa who previously played as Guitarist now decided to switch to the position of Drums, and now the three of us were: BATOK/RIZKI KURNIA - (Vocals); HARISPA - (DRUMS); EDO - (GUITARS) Edo Increasing Malignancy joined as guitarist, and finally we released the single song titled ''Lusting Devouring Your Corpse''.

At the beginning of 2015 we changed formation again, with the merger of Casper (Hatestroke); Ozzy Azzahrel (Necrobutcher); Ramadan Diky (Dezpized); and this became our formation then: Harispa (Drums); Casper (Vocals); Ozzy Azzahrel (Guitars); Ramadhan Diky (Bass). With this formation we immediately released our first album. Before the release of the album suddenly Josh (Necrobutcher) on Guitar & Ramadhan Diky (Dezpized) on Bass were both busy with work so they decided to leave, and in the end we recruited Faizin (Decaying Human) to fill the vacancy in the guitar position and Ahmad Fandy (Gorification) to fill the vacancy in the bass position. Ultimately the formation then was: Harispa (Drums); Casper (Vocals); Faizin (Guitars;) Ahmad Fandy (Bass).

After a long wait for the release of the first album (around one year from 2015 to August 2016, due to delays by the label) the label released the 1st full length album titled "Brutality of Human Cannibalism" in August 2016 with Eastbreath Records. And thereafter Casper, Faizin, and Fandy resigned because all were busy with their other bands. At the end of 2016 Harispa, a founder of the band, made new material for 2nd Full Length Album and directly we began to record in November 2016. In the 2nd Full Length album Harispa is recording alone in all the instruments, and in December 2016 Critical Disaster signed with Pathologically Explicit Recordings (Spain) to release the 2nd full length album. In the month of December 2016 Critical Disaster prepared a new formation to fill positions: Ilham on the guitar; Arga from Murderous to fill in on vocals; and Tanjung of Self Mutilated to fill the position on bass; with this new formation we also prepare materials for 3rd Full Length Album. And the members are currently: HARISPA (Drums); ARGA (Vocals); ILHAM (Guitars); TANJUNG (Bass).

KJ2: How is the response of people to your mini-albums / album / demos? / KJ2: Bagaimana respon orang-orang dengan mini album/album/demo band Kamu?
ANSWER: We are very proud because of all the friends who have responded to and support our work.

KJ3: What are the most influential bands for you guys in playing music? / KJ3: Band apa yang paling berpengaruh bagi Kalian dalam bermain musik?
ANSWER: Suffocation, Disgorge (USA), Gorgasm, Disavowed, and Dying Fetus.

KJ4: What are your future plans for the band? / KJ4: Apa rencana kedepan kalian bersama band?
ANSWER: Now we are waiting for the release of 2nd album Full Length next month by Pathologically Explicit Recordings (Spain) and today we are preparing materials for 3rd Full Length Album, which we record in the middle of this year 2017 as well.

KJ5: Are the songs you create using English or foreign lyrics? / KJ5: Apakah lagu-lagu yang kalian buat menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dan Indonesia.
ANSWER: For 1st Full Length Album we mostly used English, only one song title was Indonesian, and for the 2nd full length album it entirety uses the English language for all songs, and for the 3rd full length album that will come later most likely we will use English for all.

KJ6: What are the lyrical themes? / KJ6: Apa yang kalian ceritakan dalam lirik-lirik yang kalian buat?
ANSWER: For the theme of the lyrics in the 1st Full Length Album it tells of Gore, Death, and cruelty. And for the 2nd Full Length Album it tells about the culture in our area here, and for the 3rd full length later we are Likely to use the theme of mythology.

KJ7: Why do you all like to play death-metal instead of deathcore or other modern styles? / KJ7: Mengapa kalian semua suka memainkan musik death-metal?
ANSWER: Because it is a hobby hehehehe…

KJ8: When did you first become fans of metal bands? / KJ8: Kapan pertama kali kamu menjadi fans band metal?
ANSWER: Since we were in grade 1 junior high school.

KJ9: What do you say to people who ask why you play western-style music? / KJ9: Apa yang Kamu katakan kepada orang-orang yang bertanya mengapa Kamu memainkan musik bergaya barat?
ANSWER: Because the music we play comes and starts from the west.

KJ10: Do the wives and girlfriends of the personnel support what you are doing? / KJ10: Apakah para istri dan kekasih para personil kalian mendukung apa yang kalian kerjakan?
ANSWER: We are all couples and our wives are very supportive of our band.

KJ11: What are the best and worst things about the metal community in your city Kediri? / KJ11: Apakah hal-hal yang terbaik dan terburuk tentang komunitas di kota kalian?
ANSWER: The metal communities in our city Kediri are very good and advanced.

KJ12: What are you future goals for the band? / KJ12: Rencana apa yang kalian buat bersama band untuk kedepannya?
ANSWER: Our aims are always to create albums and always to tour.

KJ13: Have you got any message for the fans? / KJ13: Di acara apa kalian merasakan, itu stage yang berkesan?
ANSWER: Please attend the event for launching the 1st Full Length Album.

KJ14: Have you got a message for the fans? KJ14: Ada pesan untuk kawan kawan?
ANSWER: Always keep the spirit to work.
[This English translation by: Harispa Critical Disaster with help from Kieran James.]
The first CRITICAL DISASTER full-length album (eight-tracks) Brutality of Human Cannibalism was released by Eastbreath Records on 29 August 2016.

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