Busuk Chronicles

Tuesday 7 March 2017

NEWS: KILLHARMONIC (Kediri Kingdom Death Metal) releases fourth album "Hymn of the Apocalypse", 1/3/17

NEWS: KILLHARMONIC (Kediri Kingdom Progressive Death Metal, East Java, Indonesia) releases its fourth studio album Hymn of the Apocalypse on 1 March 2017 through Armstretch Records.

Track listing:
1 Ended and Eliminated (7:40)
2 Human Destruction (6:24)
3 Reality is Destiny (4:26)
4 Everything has been Perished (5:54)
5 Wrath after Wrath (6:36)
6 Divine Warfare (5:38)
7 Hymn of the Apocalypse (8:58)
8 Revenge for Betrayal (6:58)
9 Monster (Malevolent Creation cover) (2:46)
Total: (55:20)

1 Lohan (bass)
2 B-Lee (drums)
3 Innu (guitar)
4 Matto (vocals)

Lyrical themes: Life.

Killharmonic (live), Hymn of the Apocalypse
Killharmonic Live performance @ Banyuwangi Metal Gerilya 12

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