Busuk Chronicles

Tuesday 17 April 2018

CD REVIEW: ABOLISHING THE IGNOMINIOUS (Pittsburgh, USA) - Vociferous Obsolescence.

Abolishing the Ignominious (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA) - Vociferous Obsolescence (Coyote Records) 
An abomination was born by Abolishing the Ignominious all around the f***ing world and spreading a bloody carnage of the most f***ing brutal with a "Vociferous Obsolescence" putting the f***ing Earth to rot! This hungry f***ing beast performs a twisted Brutal Death F***ing Metal destroying everything in its f***ing path in a f***ed up f***ing way and with this first massacre, Its managing very well to mark the f***ing minds of scared people! This "Vociferous Obsolescence" is divided in six killer f***ing acts being all f***ing excellent and having all of them a few boring parts but surrounded by great moments making flows this f***ing shit still very well! Because of the very high twisted touch, its not really the kind of release being very addictive maybe by lacking on the catchy riffing side but mostly because this f***ing shit is completely f***ed up on all f***ing parts! The Abolishing the Ignominious warbeast is controlled by Eston Browne (Humanity Falls) on Vocals, Joseph Luciano (Andromorphus Rexalia/ Disgruntled Anthropophagi/ Injurious/ Manipulated Calamity/ Emblugeoned/ Psychophagia) on Guitars/ Bass/ Drums/ Backing Vocals and the sick duo is doing an amazing f***ing job with this weird f***ing songwriting not being perfect of course but sharing some original and creative f***ing material! Eston is giving a f***ing brutal guttural but the vocals on this record is perhaps a little redundant after a while! We can also feel the style of Joseph in this release by continuing to spread his twisted f***ing mind with riffing out from the sick f***ing head of some crazy f***er escaped from the asylum and same goes for the drums being f***ing great, brutal and weird as f***! The production is not perfect but f***ing good and mixing as well making sounds that f***ing shit like a beast losing control of itself and shredding everyone in its f***ing way! In general this debut album is f***ing excellent and despite to have some flaws, its managing to keep our attention on this monstrous devastation and Abolishing the Ignominious really managed their f***ing start into sickness by doing some recommended f***ing shit into the shitty f***ing genre! Twisted F***ing Act of Mindless F***ing Brutality! 8.5/10. [This review was first published by Andrew Sick of Sick Reviews and is used here with his kind permission.]

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