Busuk Chronicles

Monday 9 September 2024

NEW INTERVIEW: Our second interview with Wisnar of POURRITURE (Bandung Death Metal), 2 September 2024.

Questions: 1) Kieran James: Please give a band update since we last met in 2019.

Wisnar: New line up: Vocal: Panji, guitar is still me, bass: Rendi, drums: Redy. Besides performing, we released an official music video clip, then followed by the Second album, and also an album tour in sumatera, all done in 2024.

2) Tell us more about the Sumatra tour, how did it happen and what were some of the events and your experiences?

2.Of course this is our first experience visiting the island of Sumatra, starting fro m communication with Nico (Fapro), finally we agreed. Me and Nico started looking for information in every city in Sumatra. By getting a good response in eight cities ,we finally agreed to do an album tour in Sumatra with the terms we made. There were many unexpected events, such as we experienced driving the wrong way and for 10 kilometers we passed through a palm oil plantation at night, and the road was very small, dark and extreme and it was a forest hahaha.But it all paid off with the performance and the audience who came in every city there, beyond the target and expectations, the audience who came was very large even though we performed more often on weekdays (300-400 people come)... they bought all our merchandise and in the sixth city, our merchandise sold out. Other experiences we got from the scene conditions in each city, from cultural differences and from the good bands who opened our opening tour, all were very impressive and memorable.

3) Do you feel you are now a second generation of Bandung Death Metal and does having the Bandung name make it easier for you to get fans outside of Java?

3.Bandung does have an attraction especially for death metal scene, but that does not mean that we use the privilege for our popularity. For us, still fighting and giving the best results is one way to get fans, I'm sure, because metalheads are very smart in enjoying and judging music.

4) Just curious, is your vocalist the same "Panji" that was vocalist for the band Pedophilia 10-12 years ago? I remember he was very active on Facebook back then and we did an online interview. I remember meeting him at Teguh' house in 2019. Metal Archives still lists Muhammad Andika Derejat as vocalist.

4. No, he's not, I think metal archive did not update the current line up from 2016 onwards. 

5) How was the most recent Flower City Death Fest?

5. Flowercity death fest will still run every year, only this time we are holding road to Flowercity death fest, six months before the bigbang event starts. We made it with a smaller gigs concept, and we try to give space to new bands and bands that are doing promotions.

6) What are your comments on Bandung Death Metal scene these days?

6. I think it is getting more solid, but it is the responsibility of all the players in this scene to survive and still alive. 

7) Any plans for a second album?

7. The second album has been released on Brutalmind, label open Pre Order for this stuff, we are waiting for all the CD's and merchandise to be finished.

8) Can you give me your comments about Death Vomit as I'm writing a new article about that band?

8. Salute to what they have done so far. They still release music, they are still in existence, two words from me for Death Vomit: Living Legend. 

9) Any other things you want to share?

9. For those of you who are still struggling in music, keep fighting, play your music sincerely, make good work, make recordings,networking, go on tours and conquer all stages. Forever Underground Forever Death Metal.

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