Friday 10 June 2016

CLASSIC INTERVIEW: Dada tells why he left Turbidity, 30/11/2012 (English version)

Our interview with Dada Rosadeath (ex-TURBIDITY vocalist)
At: Deathstar Tattoo, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
30 November 2012
Interview oleh: Kieran James and Popo (BUSUK WEBZINE)
Interpretation & extra comments oleh: Popo (DEMONS DAMN & BUSUK WEBZINE)
Note: TURBIDITY is a great slamming death-metal band from Ujung Berung, East Bandung, Indonesia. It has released one album with Dada as vocalist Suffering of Human Decapitated and has now released a new EP Vomiting the Rotten Maggot with Andre as vocalist.

Kieran James: First of all, I think you know what question I will ask. Why did you leave TURBIDITY? I was very shocked to hear you left TURBIDITY

Dada Rosadeath: I and TURBIDITY both had our own schedules. I had many appointments here for tattoos. If the TURBIDITY shows were far from Bandung I couldn’t arrange the schedules of appointments and band shows. TURBIDITY did not want to use an additional vocalist if the tattoo and band schedules clashed. I had a dilemma – should I keep the band shows or the tattoo appointments? If I forgot about the tattooing for four days I would lose money. If TURBIDITY goes to Surabaya it takes four days. Next week they must go to Yogyakarta, etc. I lost time with my wife because I was busy with the band and my wife works on the weekdays. I was always away [on weekends] so I had no quality time with my wife. TURBIDITY pushed me to go for trips but I could not manage the time. It is a hard situation to have to choose between band, wife, and tattoo appointments.

Kieran and Dada, 9 October 2011, East Bandung
KJ2: Do you feel regrets or sadness that you can’t play?

Dada2: Yes, I feel it is a big dilemma. I feel this is my band. I can’t have TURBIDITY now. I would always be thinking: How is my wife feeling? How are the tattoo customers feeling? If people want to make tattoos that is how I can make the money.

KJ3: Do you personally think the new vocalist for TURBIDITY Andre is a good choice?

Dada3: I think the new vocalist has good vocal character. But for the image I was seen as the leader and the icon for TURBIDITY. I am still seen as the leader and the icon for TURBIDITY. Andre, the new vocalist, at the show is too silent to communicate with the audience, another shy guy.

KJ4: Do the fans say they want you to stay with the band?

Dada4: A lot of my friends asked me why I left TURBIDITY. After I left TURBIDITY I only focused on the tattoo studio. When I have time to meet fans in Ujung Berung the question from fans is: why must Dada leave?

KJ: I was surprised to hear Dada left TURBIDITY. It is like Man leaving JASAD…

[Dada laughs.]

Dada: Daniel [TURBIDITY guitarist] begged my wife for me to not leave TURBIDITY. But my wife can’t do anything because it is my choice. My wife hoped I could manage the time two weeks with the band and two weeks with the family.

KJ5: Do you think TURBIDITY should change the band name because it is now really a different band?

Dada5: Many friends say they must change the name because the icon of TURBIDITY has left. It’s hard because the band must start from zero when the name is changed. I just want to make some further comments. In the practice schedule they must go to band practice but I couldn’t leave the tattoo appointments. I could come sometimes but I would be late for practice with the band. They are angry because I left and did not come for the practices.

Dada singing for Turbidity, East Bandung, 9 October 2011
KJ6: Did you make any contributions for the new EP?

Dada6: No, nothing.

KJ7: What is your comment about the new EP?

Dada7: I don’t know. I think they forgot about me. They never sent me the CD and never communicate with me anymore. I don’t know if the sound or lyrics are any good.  The drummer Iko was close to me but he never comes here to meet with me. Only the bassist [Mamay] still contacts and communicates. The bassist comes here to communicate with me.

KJ8: Have you seen TURBIDITY with the new line-up and if yes what is your comment?

Dada8: I think the vocalist is better for brutal death-metal and not so good for slamming but so far they are still good. I think Andre does not have the character for slamming vocals because Andre’s background is in brutal death-metal.

KJ9: Do you hope to play for some other band in the future?

Dada9: I have a plan to make a band but the other personnel have other bands so they are still busy. We have planning but still we have done nothing to launch the band.

Popo: Hardcore band?

Dada: Still slamming with the beatdowns hardcore style – slamming mixed with hardcore like SIX WEAPON FOR (CZECH REPUBLIC). They have an arrogant style.

KJ10: Is the tattoo shop – Deathstar Tattoo – going well or not so well now?

Dada10: For now success but I hope it can become more successful.

KJ11: What is your comment on BUSUK WEBZINE?

Dada11: It is cool; I hope it will always exist.

Dada and Bobby Bleeding Corpse (vocals duet)
Popo: When TURBIDITY launched EP Dada came and sang one song from the first album.

Dada: I was drunk when singing!

KJ12:  Now you no longer sing with TURBIDITY what will happen to the communist cap you used to wear onstage?

Dada12: I will still keep it!

KJ: It became part of the band image!

[Dada laughs.]

Popo: Now TURBIDITY has become elite slamming death-metal [i.e. non-communist].

[All laugh.]

KJ13: Have you got a message for the TURBIDITY fans?

Dada13: “Stay slam [laughs]!” I look at TURBIDITY merchandise and think there has been too much. It has become not exclusive.

Popo: BLEEDING CORPSE, TURBIDITY, and JIHAD have become the best sellers [in Bandung] as well as JASAD.

KJ14: Do you get royalties for merchandise and CDs?

Dada14: The band still has not paid the royalties. I’m still waiting…well, I’m not waiting urgently, I’m aware that they should pay me my royalty. It’s not important for me, I am not waiting. I just want them to come here, to meet, to share, to keep communicating. I still want to be connecting. I want to meet for connecting, not for royalty.

KJ15: Do you think that young bands in Ujung Berung can maintain the values and culture of the scene?

Dada15: I think the new bands in Ujung Berung make an impact for the community because they have better skills than the old bands. The old bands still support them and help them to become bigger.

KJ16: What are your favorite young bands in the Ujung Berung community?

Dada16: I only like SAFFAR.

Popo: Three of the four guys from SAFFAR are shy guys – the drummer, the bassist, and the vocalist. The bassist [Ramon] also plays with DISMEMBERMENT TORTURE (BANDUNG). They have good skills but they are shy.

KJ17: What is your comment on Abaz playing drums now with JASAD as well as with UNDERGOD?

Dada17: It is good, he has good skills, but I hope Abaz can balance the schedule. I hope Abaz will not leave UNDERGOD.

KJ18: What is your comment on Daniel playing guitar now with BLEEDING CORPSE as well as with TURBIDITY?

Dada18: It is good. Daniel is a good player but he should not ever leave TURBIDITY.

KJ19: What do you think of people playing in more than one band?

Dada19: Don’t disturb the schedule of the original band. A side project should always be viewed as a side project.

Popo: I think Daniel manages it well when BLEEDING CORPSE and TURBIDITY play on the same day. He always chooses TURBIDITY because TURBIDITY has only one guitarist.

Dada: Yep.

KJ20: On the back of the TURBIDITY band shirt your picture is there. What is your comment?

Dada20: I was still in TURBIDITY when they were selling that shirt.

Popo: I think the tee-shirt has sold out already.

Popo21: Do you have any plan to come back to TURBIDITY?

Dada21: No.

Iko (drums) and Daniel (guitar), 9 October 2011
Popo: You don’t have a plan or you don’t want?

Dada: I don’t want. I’m afraid of the schedule and I don’t want the dilemma back. When I started TURBIDITY I did not have an ambition to become famous, it was my hobby, I had no ambition to become a big band.

KJ22: What do you think of women playing in the metal scene like Popo?

Dada22: She’s a strong girl [laughs].

Popo23: Do you know the band GIRLZEROTH?

Dada23: No, I don’t know them.

Dada: One young guy came to this shop and gave me the TURBIDITY font and asked me to tattoo it, not knowing that I was the TURBIDITY vocalist. The fan was angry when he knew I left the band. He came to the shop and remonstrated with me.

KJ24: What bands’ logos have you had tattooed on your own body?

Dada24: PANTERA Cowboys from Hell, CFH logo. 

[Dada shows his head.]

KJ25: What about tattoos you have tattooed for fans?

Dada25: OBITUARY, PANTERA, KISS, face of Lemmy from MOTORHEAD, and SLAYER.

Turbidity show, East Bandung, 9 October 2011
KJ26: Local bands?

Dada26: Only TURBIDITY.

[Dada shows us the portrait of Max Cavalera on his left forearm.]

Dada: A friend in Ujung Berung has the CRYPTOPSY dragon logo tattooed on his back.

[The interview ends about here as we keep on chatting about tattoos. Thank you so much to Dada Rosadeath. If you want a tattoo please go to Dada’s shop “Deathstar Tattoo” in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia.]

The new TURBIDITY EP Vomiting the Rotten Maggot is out now via Horrible Creation Extreme Musick Media, Bandung, Indonesia.
Left to Right: Bobby Bleeding Corpse, Dada Turbidity, Daniel Turbidity, Kieran James, Mamay Turbidity, Casper Hell Turbidity (Manager) @ Bandung, 10 October 2011.
TURBIDITY, February 2011 line-up. Left to Right: Dada (vocals), Iko (drums), Mamay (bass), Daniel (guitar). Dada and Mamay have now left the band.

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