Thursday 14 June 2018

NEW BLEEDING CORPSE INTERVIEW: Our interview with Uus and Gina (Bandung Death Metal), 13/5/2018.

Our fifth interview with Bleeding Corpse (Uus and Gina) (Bandung Death Metal)
Date: 13 May 2018.
At: Butche’s house in Cicaheum
Translation by: Popo Puji (vocalist, Demons Damn)

BLEEDING CORPSE is: Andri Gila - vocals
Uus Death - guitar
Adrian Luk Luk - bass
Gielang - drums

Kieran James: What happened? Why did drummer Ari Bejo leave the band?

Uus (guitarist): We felt that it was the right time to change the drummer. Uus and Luk Luk [bassist] wanted to change. Ari’s skill had dropped because we did not play often. We decided to change drummer to a new, young guy.

KJ: Tell us about the new drummer…

Uus: His name is Gielang; from Hypochondriac (Cimahi band).

KJ: How many shows did Bleeding Corpse play recently?

Uus: One show; the first show with the new drummer was the Turbidity Tenth Anniversary show.

Daniel Turbidity: 16th February 2018.

KJ: Butche says that Death Metal is dying now in Bandung; what do you think?

Uus [laughs]: Death Metal must be reborn.

KJ: There has been no death fest for six years.

Uus: The important thing is that we should make a new death fest concept.

Popo Demons Damn: The last time was Bandung Death Fest 2012.

Daniel, Behom, Ari, Luk Luk, Uus 2013
KJ: Have you got any plan for a new album?

Uus: We plan for an EP soon. We still are working on the EP; we don’t know when we will release it.

KJ: Are there any songs ready?

Uus: Yes, but not ready to launch.

KJ: Any song titles?

Uus: Not yet,

KJ: Why did Behom [vocalist] leave the band?

Uus: He is busy.

KJ: More information…

Uus: That is all. The same comment applies to Ari as he must concentrate on his family.

KJ: Did Ari stay with Injected Sufferage?

Uus: I don’t know about that.

KJ: Do you plan to reissue the first or second album?

Uus: Someone contacted Groupies record label about reissuing the second album. He contacted Atik. I don’t know what happened because the record label would take care of that. So I assume it did not happen.

KJ: I remember that Corey Athos liked the band.

KJ: Do you think the young metalheads in Bandung know about Bleeding Corpse?

Uus: They still know.

KJ: Have you got any plan for tour?

Uus: For now we focus on making new material for the EP. After we finish we can tour. We will need to promote the EP through touring.

KJ: How many tracks do you plan for the EP?

Uus: Six.

KJ: Are they all new songs or do you plan to re-record any old songs?

Uus: Five new songs plus one old song. The song will be from the first album: “Simpuh Tubuh Terbunuh”.

KJ: Tell us about the new vocalist.

Uus: The new vocalist is Andri Gila from Turbidity; he is crazy.

KJ: Why do you choose that song to re-record?

Uus: It’s a good song.

KJ: Do you want to do it differently or improve it?

Uus: It will be different from on the first album. If you want to know how the song is different just wait for the EP.

KJ: Is it with Groupies Merch or other label?

Uus: For now we have still not chosen the record label.

KJ: Will it be definitely released this year 2018?

Gina (Uus’s wife): If God wills.

Uus: As soon as possible.

Uus and Glenn
J: How do you know your wife Gina, because last time we met in July 2016 you were looking for girlfriend?

Gina: We know each other from social media. We contract through Facebook and make a serious relationship via Facebook. Facebook makes everyone closer!

KJ: Is Uus happy with his married life now?

Uus: Yes.

KJ: Does his wife give him freedom?

Gina: All the time he goes out. I can’t go anywhere alone; I am from Medan, I don’t know much about the streets in Bandung.

KJ: Is Gina a fan of Bleeding Corpse?

Popo: Did she know about Bleeding Corpse?

Gina: Yes, I know; I know that they are a big Brutal Death Metal band from Bandung and great band and legendary band like Jasad.

Uus: Gina is from the punk community in Medan. Originally Gina just liked Bleeding Corpse but she did not know so much about Bleeding Corpse.

Gina: I did not like Uus just because he is from Bleeding Corpse; it is just destiny and fate to meet by Facebook.

KJ: Uus is a very funny and humble guy; do you agree?

Gina: Ya, I agree, and cute…cute grin; easy to smile!

KJ: He does not have the Rock Star Syndrome!

KJ: What are your favourite young brutal bands from Bandung?

Uus: Interfectorment and Fedora. I don’t know much about the new bands; I only know those two bands because the members are close to me.

Popo: I think the new bands must learn how to promote the bands. They need to know how to make people know about their band. Even me I don’t know much about the new young bands.  They may be good but they don’t have good promotion. People don’t know which the killer bands like the older ones are. They may use social media only for chatting and making friends and relationships. They don’t use social media very often for promoting their bands; they don’t ask the older people for advice; they don’t get involved in discussion; they just want to play gigs; they don’t think about how to promote their bands; they don’t know people’s level of knowledge about their bands.

KJ: Any message for the fans of Bleeding Corpse?

Uus (he asks his wife before answering): Stay grind.

Gina: Stay clean.

****THE END****

1 comment:

NEW INTERVIEW: Our second interview with Wisnar of POURRITURE (Bandung Death Metal), 2 September 2024.

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