Wednesday 1 June 2016

NEW INTERVIEW: Our first interview with ARCH ANGEL (Surabaya Power Metal), 31/5/2016 (English version)

Left to Right: Jay Arch Angel (former drummer), Leo Arch Angel (vocals), and Kieran James (Busuk Chronicles).
ARCH ANGEL (SURABAYA) new formation 2016: Leo Sidharta Wardhana ("Leo Arch Angel") - vocals; Yusuf Kiki Aditya - guitar1; Rommy Satria - guitar2; Rosdi Firly - bass; and Faizal "Icol" - drums. Note that the former drummer Jay has left the band.

Kieran James (Busuk Chronicles)1: Hi, can you tell me the early history from the formation of the band up to now? 
Leo (vokalis ARCH ANGEL): Our band was first established in 2006. We were known as Helloween Cover band. We continued to play until we had our first mini-album, the Archangel EP (2014). 

KJ2: How is the response of people to your mini-albums / album / demos?
Our first mini-album was welcomed and much appreciated.

KJ3: What are the most influential bands for you guys in playing music?
We have influences mainly from Helloween and other European power metal bands such as: Rhapsody, Edguy, etc.

KJ4: What are your future plans for the band?
Of course we want to keep playing power metal and to have the second album. 

KJ5: Are the songs you create using English or foreign lyrics?  
All lyrics were written in English. 

KJ6: What are the lyrical themes?
They talk mainly about our own band, angels, unbroken spirit, fighting against evil. 

KJ7: Why do you all like to play old-school instead of deathcore or other modern styles?
We play it because this music gives us more energy and understanding about life and humanity. 

KJ8: What do you say to people who ask why you play western-style music?
We tell them that we want to play globally. Go international. 

KJ9: Do the wives and girlfriends of the personnel support what you are doing?
Yup, we are supported by our wives. 

KJ10: What are your most memorable shows or experiences onstage?
We were impressed whenever we saw those metalheads sing along to the songs we played. 

KJ11: What are the best and worst things about the community in your city? 
We have a supportive community, which is PSC (Power Speed Community). 

KJ12: Have you got any message for the fans?
Be brave to reveal your dream, fellas. Keep on rocking! 

Leo Facebook page:

Surabaya Power Speed Community (PSC), Surabaya, November 2012, with Niza Climaxeth and Kieran James. This picture features members of VALERIAN, LENTERA, and DEVAROCK.

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