Tuesday 25 October 2016

NEW INTERVIEW: Our first interview with TENSIONS ARISE (Sydney Groove Metal), by Collin Brophy

Tensions Arise Interview, by Collin Brophy, 3/10/2016

Introduction by Collin Brophy: Tensions Arise are a Sydney Based Groove Metal band and they have had a massive year in 2016. As a massive fan myself, I had the pleasure in interviewing the vocalist the one and only Kayyne Reid.

Collin Brophy (Busuk Chronicles). How is everyone in the family that is Tensions Arise?
Kayyne Reid (Tensions Arise). Man, the family is going great! With the new line up the mood has been lifted a great deal and everyone is positive and on the same page. It’s an exciting time!

C. Brophy. Tensions Arise have just got a new guitarist, what was behind the move for another guitarist, who is he and can you tell us about him?
K. Reid. I have always felt two guitarists was better, nothing to take away from the amazing talent Ash is of course. I just felt like that extra layer would always help and add to things if done correctly. We have had such a time in our history with failed second guitarists and we actually dropped the idea. We agreed if it was going to happen it just had to be organic and random, anytime we put out a feeler or an advertisement we found the wrong person always stepped up. With Scott, we have known him a long time and before the band he was a brother, we kind of poked and prodded in humour at him and then the next thing we know we had some fun jams and then we all had to go “hang on, something is happening here, do we all wanna seriously do this?”. We were all on the same page and it became a thing. It kind of just happened.

C. Brophy. Can you tell us a bit about Tensions Arise, what genre / style you play, where you are from, and what inspires Tensions Arise to be who they are as a band?
K. Reid. Tensions is kind of groove metal I guess you could call it, but it’s pretty obvious we have inspiration from many sub genres, nu metal, thrash etc.… I guess the best way to describe the songs is pop music for a metal band, with the way our songs are written and structured its essentially pop songs… We as a band are from Western Sydney, but we all live all over. What inspires us? Pretty much we just like having fun and are known as a party band. We just enjoy having a good time and this band has helped us have such a great time all over the country and in a few countries! It doesn’t get better than that!

C. Brophy. Tensions Arise release a new album back in May 2016, how did you come up with the album title A Breath of Aggression, and how did you come up with a really cool album cover?
K. Reid. The album title was the typical writing names in a book and going from there, no crazy story behind the title. However once the title came the rest came and the album is kind of a concept album, it isn’t technical and way in depth but it has a basic concept. The awesome artwork was designed by Dan at God-Awful Designs. The artwork idea was the band brainstorming and Tim kind of started the idea and it snowballed with Ash then Kyle and I added input with the idea and I have it to Dan to work on and that’s how he got it done, I really like the art.

C. Brophy. How was the new album received by the fans? And what are your thoughts on the album?
K. Reid. The album has been received pretty well by friends and fans, we have gotten some airplay and what not, and people have requested “Darkness Binds” a lot, which is really cool to see… I actually love the album, I think it’s a really good representation of who we are sound wise. I don’t like recording it isn’t a strong point for me but this whole process was amazing and I couldn’t be happier. I actually listen to this album, I rarely listen to the others. There is just something about A Breath of Aggression I can’t help but be proud of.

C. Brophy. Tensions Arise had a massive tour with the release of A Breath of Aggression, how was the tour, and what was it like playing alongside so many talented Australian bands?
K. Reid. The tour was way better than we all could have hoped for! As for the amazing Aussie bands, a lot of them I asked to be involved as I had a big hand in a lot of the shows, some I didn’t of course but was pleasantly surprised at the talent. Adelaide has some of the best bands I have ever seen, Se Bon Ki Ra, Voros, Headbore, Gorlapse.. That show though small the bands all blew me away! Lavidius in Queensland, Chronolyth, Requiem Of The Damned, Lycanthrope, How can I forget the icons Segression? Seriously I feel like I should name every single band on the tour, it was ridiculously amazing, and they were all amazing people, the fans and bands involved. Pretty much this country doesn’t get praised enough for the talent we have in the Metal scene. Go to a damn show people!

C. Brophy. If possible what was your favourite show of that tour, and why?
K. Reid. As far as a favourite, I can’t really pick an Aussie favourite show, Wollongong was crazy amazing, Sydney of course being a home town, Adelaide, Newcastle.. Seriously the tour as a package Is something I want to relive over and over.

C. Brophy. Tensions Arise was one of the supporting bands for the Drowning Pool Sydney show back in May, what was that like as not only as a band playing but also massive fans of the band itself?
K. Reid. I am not ashamed to admit I cried, Watching those guys do what they do was just mind-blowing. Dave Williams (R.I.P) was one of my favourite vocalists in my teen years, that first album resonated with me and still does. It was bitter sweet with Dave not being there, but Jasen was electric! CJ was the loveliest guy I have ever met. We got a selfie backstage which he demanded we did duckfaces haha! He knew exactly who I was before we event did a sound check or played. (that’s something you could only dream of). They opened with Sinner my favourite song, I was in my happy place haha!

C. Brophy. Tensions Arise was also a support for the Fear Factory show back in June, what was that like?
K. Reid. It was the scariest, most surreal thing I have ever experienced, apart from Sevendust (That was mindblowing!! Lajohn and the guys were f***ing amazing!) The FF show was awesome. They are such an iconic band and to have Burton say our name on stage and hear a crowd erupt was just something you’d never think would happen haha! Dino was exhausted, but really lovely, the perception some have of him is very unfounded seriously… Tony Campos saw my amazing dance moves, he was impressed… so don’t be surprised if you see TC Twerking against Burton at a show haha

C. Brophy. 2016 has been a truly amazing year for Tensions Arise, with plenty of shows, what would have to be the biggest highlight for Tensions Arise for 2016?
K. Reid. The best thing about 2016 has been the entire year; we achieved so much in this year, done more in this year than any year of our history. It isn’t over yet! How can I pick one thing? Sevendust, Fear Factory, Drowning Pool, Album recording and releasing, Full Australian Tour… this year was the stuff dreams are made of!

C. Brophy. What was it like going over to New Zealand and play alongside 8 Foot Sativa and other New Zealand bands?
K. Reid. You asked earlier my favourite show of the tour. In all honesty the people in New Zealand became instant family, the attendance was seriously amazing the energy, the line-up… 8 Foot Sativa are icons, I can’t thank Justin enough for being involved if Sativa weren’t on board we wouldn’t have gotten on a plane.. Sarah at Blackfrog looked after us amazingly, as did our new family Brent & Kynan, Scottie is a bad arse also! Apart from our 3 major support shows, this show was a real “Rockstar” moment… I can’t wait to go back on each album cycle! If you can, go!

C. Brophy. If anyone wants a copy of the album A Breath of Aggression, or any merchandise what is the best and easiest way to get their hands on it?
K. Reid. At the moment the album is on many streaming sites like Spotify, you can get it on itunes. We are currently working towards a proper online store for all our merch, we have such a good range we just need to get the promotional side of it out and about… keep an eye out for that.. For the time being, an inbox to our band page or my personal page will get some merch orders happening!

C. Brophy. As a fan of Tensions Arise myself for many years, I still get really excited to see you guys play live, what is it like to be on stage playing and doing the thing you love so much, and what’s it like when the fans sing your songs back at you when you’re on stage playing?
K. Reid. Firstly man, thank you for the kind words and years of support it’s genuinely appreciated and should keep any band humbled. We are glad you get such a buzz and excitement knowing we are coming to town. We love doing this and love that people love what we do. This is the first tour we have done where we can see the fan base grow and it’s been amazing! For me being onstage is an outlet for a lot of good and bad in my life, it’s my happy place you know? Some days it’s hard to get out of bed to wanna do it, but when it’s happening I don’t think there’s a better drug than a sold out show. Seeing people sing the words that I or the guys have written back to us is seriously mind-blowing, I am kind of scared that the fans sound better than I do haha! It’s really the greatest feeling to know what we are singing about resonates enough for people. It honestly makes us feel great knowing we can impact people’s lives for the better with what we do.

C. Brophy. What is left in store for the rest of the year for Tensions Arise?
K. Reid. Currently man we have two shows left this year we are playing Friday 25th November 2016 at the Agincourt Hotel in Sydney and Saturday 26th November 2016 for The Vault at Newcastle Leagues Club. These two final shows are special for many reasons, one being Scott is officially debuting with us. We are also filming a lot of footage at both shows for our two upcoming film clips which we want as many people to be a part of as possible! Also how could I forget we get to support our awesome friends from Victoria in Frankenbok!

C. Brophy. Thank you for this great opportunity to interview you.
K. Reid. Thanks so much for wanting to do an interview man! We really appreciate it, it has been fun!

Closing Comment by Collin Brophy: I would like to thank Kayyne Reid from Tensions Arise for this time in doing this interview. I would also like to wish Kayyne and Tensions Arise all the best. Tensions Arise have a few more shows before the end of the year so I suggest you go and experience their live shows.

TENSIONS ARISE - Welcome to Sin City (official video)
TENSIONS ARISE - Maniac (official video)

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