Friday 5 August 2016

INJECTED SUFFERAGE INTERVIEW: "New album will feature Ncep Surgeon as older man" (Bandung DM)

My interview with INJECTED SUFFERAGE (Bandung Death Metal)
Interpretation by: Teguh Prasetyo (bassist INTERFECTORMENT band)
Date: 12 July 2016 @ SERAK store, Jalan Cihampelas, Bandung
INJECTED SUFFERAGE is: Fahmi (vocals), Yudi Zeta (guitar1), Asep Sanjay (guitar2), Uus Death (bass), and Ari Bejo (drums).
The new INJECTED SUFFERAGE album Denial in the Grave Torment will be released in August 2016 by Extreme Souls Production (ESP).

Kieran James (Busuk Chronicles): Please tell us the history of the band.

Ari Bejo (drummer Injected Sufferage): Injected Sufferage was founded in 1995. The founders are Man from Jasad; Hendra (Motordeath drummer); and Gustav. In 1998 Hendra left the band and was replaced by Onang. That year we released one song “Fuck and Kill”. This song was inside the Brutally Sickness compilation issued by Extreme Souls Production (ESP) (1998). In 1999 Onang left the band and Bejo arrived. We released the first album in 2001 N’cep Surgeon: Poems from the Land of Gore released by ESP. The funny thing is that after the album was released we played one gig at Majalengka and after that we were inactive for 15 years. The reason is that Man was helping Jasad as you know. Because Man was one of the founders we had to become inactive.
We started to become active again in 2015. Our first gig was Groupies Death Fest #1 with the new formation as follows: Fahmi (vox), Yudi Zeta (guitar1), Asep Sanjay (guitar2), Gustav (bass), and Ari Bejo (drums). In 2016 Gustav left and was replaced by Uus Death (Bleeding Corpse). With this formation we made the new album. It will be released by ESP in August 2016. The title will be: Denial in the Grave Torment. The progress is just waiting for the album release; everything is done. We will have a launching party in September 2016.

KJ: What is the style of the album and how many songs?

AB: Old-school Death Metal with nine songs. The one bonus track song will be the original version of “Fuck and Kill”.

Teguh Prasetyo (bassist Interfectorment band): What is the meaning of Ncep Surgeon?

AB: Ncep Surgeon is a fictional character which we made to describe Man Jasad’s attitude at a young age [all laugh]. That is why Gustav did the artwork to look like Man Jasad! Man Jasad’s attitude can be found in the “Fuck and Kill” lyrics.

KJ: His attitude changed a lot over the years, yes?

AB: In this album the NS character still exists and has become more adult because 15 years have passed. Maybe in the next album NS will be holding a baby or something [all laugh].

KJ: The band will continue to exist?

AB: Yes, and we hope to continue for the longer period. With the last formation we have played several more gigs than with the first album formation.

Teguh: They are quite a legend here because after the first album they went missing. However, we could find the personnel playing in different bands such as Ari with Bleeding Corpse.

KJ: Why did you choose ESP for the label and not Groupies Merch because we know Groupies Merch issued the second Bleeding Corpse album?

Yudi Zeta (guitarist Injected Sufferage): Because from the beginning until now we still trust ESP and ESP always supports the band. Other labels are also good. The main reason is that we still trust ESP.

KJ: Where have you played shows?

AB: We have played at Sukabumi, Garut, Bogor, and mostly in Bandung.

KJ: What are the future plans?

YZ: Our plan is to play several gigs and we also start to prepare and plan for making of the third album.

KJ: Do you plan to tour in East Java?

AB: Yes, we plan to make a Java and Bali tour for the second album.

Teguh: Tell us about the second album.

AB: Old-school Death Metal.

KJ: What are your influences?

YZ: Suffocation and Kataklysm influence.

KJ: Is the sound like Bleeding Corpse sound or different?

YZ: It is a simpler sound than Bleeding Corpse. Bleeding Corpse is more towards brutal DM and Injected Sufferage is more towards old-school DM. However, we think that the new album is better standard than the first album.

Teguh: If you listen there is a lead guitar section at the end of the teaser song.

KJ: What are the good and bad things about the Bandung DM community?

AB: The good thing is that the scene always supports each other and everybody is equal. But the bad thing is that some of the bands change their genre. For example, when DM is not popular, they change their genre. When DM is popular they switch back to becoming DM bands again. In Sundanese language we say: “Teu Panceg”.

KJ: What is your message for the fans?

YZ: Keep your spirit, still grindcore, still death metal.

AB: Same comment as Yudi. And please buy the original CD and merchandise.

Teguh: Today in Indo a lot of bands campaign about buying the original stuff. I hope it works because if not the scene will not be as big as now.

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