Monday 1 August 2016

NEWS: Drummer Abaz leaves JASAD band (Bandung Death Metal), 28/7/2016 (Indonesian / English)

JASAD BAND @ Obscene Extreme Fest, Czech Republic 2015. Left to Right: Yuli (bass), Ferly (guitar), Abaz (drums), and Man (vox).
Kami ingin berterima kasih kepada semua pihak baik yang berperan langsung maupun tidak langsung atas perjalanan JASAD selama 25 tahun, salah satunya kami ucapkan terima kasih pada saudara kami, Abaz yang bergabung sebagai drummer kami semenjak tahun 2011.

Bersama Abaz kami telah menghasilkan banyak karya, diantaranya album "Rebirth Of Jatisunda", single track "Liman Soka" dan dua panggung yang tak akan pernah terlupakan ditahun 2015 yaitu Obscene Extreme (Czech.Rep) & Bloodstock Open Air (UK). Minggu 24 Juli 2016 di acara SELATAN BERINGAS 3 (Kudus) merupakan panggung kami terakhir kalinya bersama Abaz sebagai drummer, untuk beberapa panggung kedepannya kami akan menggunakan Additional Player sebagai drummer.

Terima kasih Abaz, telah menjadi bagian dari kami selama beberapa tahun ini dan tetap menjadi keluarga besar kami selamanya.

Salah satu video kami bersama Abaz di Obscene Extreme - After Party Show edit oleh The Metal Rebel
..our pleasure time !!!

Dimas Damn and Abaz, April 2012
ENGLISH VERSION: We want to thank all the good people who have contributed directly or indirectly to our journey for the past 25 years. One of them we say thank you to is Abaz who joined as our drummer in the year 2011.

With Abaz we produced many of our works, including the album "Rebirth of Jatisunda", single track "Scaber Soka" and the two shows that will never be forgotten were 2015 the Obscene Extreme (Czech. Rep) & Bloodstock Open Air (UK). Sunday 24th of July 2016 at the SOUTH EVENT BERINGAS 3 (Holy) was the last time we will play with Abaz as a drummer. At our next shows we will use an additional player as a drummer.

Thanks Abaz, he has become a big part of us over the past few years and we will continue to be a big family forever.

One of our videos with Abaz at Obscene Extreme - after party show edit by the Metal Rebel
..our pleasure time !!!

This news item was posted to Facebook by Iwan D, ESP, 28 July 2016.]
When Abaz first joined JASAD. Left to Right: Ferly Jasad, Abaz, and Popo Demons Damn @ EXTEND Studio, Ujung Berung, October 2011
Left to Right: Ferly, Kieran James, Abaz, and Yuli @ EXTEND Studio, Ujung Berung, October 2011
Bobby Bleeding Corpse (now with Turbidity) and Abaz @ EXTEND STUDIO, Ujung Berung, 4 April 2012

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