Monday 28 September 2015

PUNK TRIBUTE: My Tribute to Ron Harvey Rankin (Punk Rocker from Ontario, Canada), by Andrew Rae, 14/8/2015

Ron Harvey Rankin
TRIBUTE FOR RON HARVEY RANKIN: "We're from Iroquois Falls, Ontario, Canada. He loved Black Flag and all of Henry Rollins' spoken albums. He loved working on his farm feeding the horses and taking care of the chickens. He was just a good fuckin kid with a heart of gold".

[By: Andrew Rea for Busuk Chronicle Webzine, 14 August 2015].

Anyone with news, band interviews or tributes please send to me at: Busuk Chronicle Webzine (Facebook page) or Any underground genre is welcome such as punk, metal, hardcore, and reggae. We are interested to promote big or small bands or record labels or individuals. Thanks to all our friends and supporters for your continued support of this webzine.

Ron Harvey Rankin, hardcore punker

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