Wednesday 28 October 2015

NEW INTERVIEW: "FORGOTTEN will always be Indonesian Band" (Addy Gembel interview), 19/8/2015

Left to Right: Kieran James (Busuk Webzine), Popo Demons Damn, and Addy Gembel @ Bandung, November 2012.

Addy Gembel @ Bulgaria, 2015
Kieran James: 1 How are you enjoying the life in Bulgaria?

Addy Gembel (vokalis FORGOTTEN): 1. I really enjoy it here. I stay in Sliven, a small town. Everything is clean and no traffic jam like in Bandung. The people are nice and they are very curious about my country. Nice food, beautiful park, nice beer but I don't know if I can survive in the winter [smile emoticon]. 

2 Do you plan to live in Bulgaria or this is just a holiday?

2. We still don't know about our plan. We come only for holiday and it is not easy to find a job in here. 

3 What is happening with FORGOTTEN band at the moment? Will they carry on with new vocalist, split-up or you will keep on as vocalist? 

3. The band keeps moving on. We still share about our musical work. I'm still making lyrics and the other members are still making music. We prepare a new album for next year 2016. 

4 Did you ever think of relocating FORGOTTEN to Bulgaria and starting with a new set of Bulgarian musicians? 

4. Nope. Forgotten will be always in Indonesia. 

5 What do you think of trendy bands rising up high up on the bills in Bandung such as REVENGE THE FATE and ALONE AT LAST? This is a new development for me as when I first went to Bandung in 2011 those bands were still very small and the fests were 100% brutal death. 

5. I think all the bands do the same thing like those bands. That's the way to survive if you wanna make music as a 'job'. Every band in Bandung wants to be famous and to make a lot of money. It's not about trends. It's about hard work and giving your soul to what you love. 

6 Are there any young Indonesian bands you are following with interest?

6. Mud Reaper, Taring, Locust King, Saffar, Kaluman. 

7 What is your comment about JASAD and BURGERKILL playing in Europe and do you feel a little sad that your band seems to have been forgotten (bad joke yes)? 

7. I'm proud for them. It's like fuck yeaaah...finally! They are all my friends since I was 16. We grew up together and now I see them playing in Europe, for me it's like a dream come true. I'm very proud! 

JASAD @ Czech Republic, 2015
8 Can you name us some Indonesian bands that you really love that you think should have had big success but did not achieve it (for whatever reason)?

8. The Cruel, Tcukimay, Rottenomicon, Djin, Revenge, Hell Crust, Godz Digger. 

9 How is your wife Inna doing these days and please send her my regards? 

9. She's good. She is busy with her job and taking care of our daughter. I will send your regards. 

10 Last question: Name me your favorite three frontmen (lead vocalists) for a live show in Bandung metal scene (live only, do not consider their performances on studio albums).

10. Man Jasad, Lookass Tcukimay, Kinoy Undergod. 

11. Thankyou.

11. You are welcome.
FORGOTTEN band, 1997, Future Syndrome era. Left to Right: Addy Gembel (vocals), Dadang "Kudung" (drums), Zoteng Kampret (guitar), Dadan Kardun (bass), and Ferly (guitar) (now Jasad & Kaluman).

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NEW INTERVIEW: Our second interview with Wisnar of POURRITURE (Bandung Death Metal), 2 September 2024.

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