Monday 5 October 2015

SINGLE REVIEW: VALERIAN (Surabaya Power Metal) - "Stardust Revelation", 13/9/2015, by Collin Brophy

VALERIAN band and friends. Guest female vocalist Dhinie (also with ALLEGREA band) is first on the left side. 
Valerian - "Stardust Revelation" (Single), review by Collin Brophy
Valerian is a 6 piece melodic power metal band from Surabaya, East Java Indonesia, who started back in December 2004. With all the band members all having the same interest in metal made it easy for them to come together and start their own metal band.

After playing covers from such bands as: Iron Maiden, Halloween, Judas Priest, Stradivarius and alike, it was time for the band to start making their own music. In 2006 the band decided that they wanted to make their own music, so in 2007 Valerian produced their own song titled Forsaken.

Eager to write their own music, they began the process of writing and producing their debut album called Dawn Of A New Hope, it had 5 songs on it. With the release of their debut album, Valerian wanted to be a fresh breath of new air in the Indonesian metal scene, and with new song and music written and ready to go, Valerian began the process in making their new album which should be out later this year.

In Middle 2015 Valerian released a single of their up and coming album called Stardust Revelation.

Band Members are: Ridwan – Voices; Harman - Lead Guitar; Dimas Bramantyo - Lead & Rhythm Guitar; Edo Witjaksono – Bass; Daniel Natjaard – Keys (ex-FAKTORIAL, ex-DRY, ex-DEAD CORE, ex-SEVERITY); Verrel Valerian – Drums; and Dhinie - Guest female vocalist (also ALLEGREA band).

Hometown: Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia.

Genre: Melodic Power Metal.

Track list:
1.   Awakening Of The Fall One
2.   Symphony Of Endless Desire
3.   In Your Hand
4.   Stardust Revelation
5.   Heroes Land Odyssey
6.   Elegy Of The Unspoken Words
7.   Sinner’s Euphoria
8.   My Everlasting
9.   Glorious Anthem
   10.  The Triumphant

Stardust Revelations explodes from the start, with drums, keyboards, bass and guitars which gets your head moving, and once the vocals kick in you just want to start singing out loud along with the song. For a song that only goes for around 3 minutes and 50 seconds, it doesn’t seen long enough, I listened to Stardust Revelation over and over again, I couldn’t get enough of it. This song has it all, fantastic vocal, amazing drumming, and with the bass and really cool riffs makes this one truly enjoyable song.

Stardust Revelation has everything that you would expect from a power metal band, but these guys went the extra mile and for me has made of the best songs of the year in my book. If the single sounds this amazing, then I can wait to here the whole album.

I have never been a real fan of the clean vocals, but the more and more I am exposed to such great music such as Stardust Revelation, I am beginning to realise what I have been missing all these years. I would love to see Valerian come and tour Australia and witness their music in person. I don’t normally give songs / demos / albums a rating, but for me this single is definitely a 10/10.

[By: Collin Brophy for Busuk Chronicles.]

Youtube link:

Soundcloud link:
VALERIAN SURABAYA and friends. Left to Right: Andi (vocalist BLASPHEMER, Surabaya Black Metal band), Daniel Valerian (keyboardist), Kieran James (Busuk Webzine), Dimas Valerian (guitar), and Verrel Valerian (drums) @ Surabaya. Ridwan Valerian (vocalist) is standing up at the back.

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