Friday 18 March 2016

OPINION: "SAVE BUSUK WEBZINE!" by Jason Xenophobic (English Version)

Anyone who is not familiar with BUSUK Webzine this is a Media Blog which is very much helping musicians in Indonesia Underground Metal - both big name bands and less well known bands which are striving to be well known in the international underground metal scene. Without favouring one region over another BUSUK Webzine faithfully and indiscriminately writes about and interviews bands from all over Indonesia, even treading into unfamiliar territory such as the remote Madura, Kalimantan, East Java and West Java. Even for me, as an Indonesian born and bred, BUSUK goes places unbeknown.
The master mind behind BUSUK Webzine is Dr Kieran James, a lover of Indonesia and long time advocate for underground metal. Appreciating the struggle faced by Indonesia’s underground metal community, Kieran is dedicated in his cause, and is always on top of the movements in the Indonesian scene - consistently updating us of the antics of bands such as Jihad, Jasad, Tengkorak, Death Vomit, Jagal, Murtad, Warkvlt, Bleeding Corpse, Demons Damn and many more bands, helping these bands get well deserved exposure and accreditation. 

BUSUK Webzine was had its beginnings a over five years ago, originally starting out as a social research project Kieran was undertaking through University of Southern Queensland, Australia, with a number of people, including John Yudhi, Collin Brophy, Jason Hutagalung, Corey Athos, and Popo Puji (Demon Damns), helping along the way. 

Unfortunately, however, took a sombre turn several years back with the passing of John Yudhi, devoted contributor and co-administrator of BUSUK. It was at this time that Yudhi’s position was entrusted to a Mr. Michael Mifsud, an individual who had no previous contributions or links to BUSUK, or to the metal scene in general. Mr. Mifsud has used his new position, and his friendship with Yudhi to take advantage of the situation and claim copyright and ownership over BUSUK Webzine for his own personal interests, without any consultation with Kieran James. Through his deceitful actions Mr. Mifsud has claimed himself as the sole owner of BUSUK Webzine and is currently pushing to commercialise the blog, which goes against the original intentions of the true father of BUSUK, Kieran James, and against the spirit of underground metal. 

Due to these current circumstances I would like to urge supporters of BUSUK Webzine to boycott the efforts of Michael Mifsud to commercialise the blog and to stand up and fight to keep BUSUK an underground initiative to represent the underground metal scene in Indonesia, which is and always has been Kieran James’ intention. We want this blog to remain accessible to everyone, in keeping with the true underground spirit, not just for those who are able to scratch the back or line the pockets of Mr. Mifsud. 

As friends and fans of BUSUK Webzine we respectfully ask you, Michael Mifsud, to restore BUSUK into the hands of the people who have a legitimate interest in the original intention of the blog - to promote the Indonesian underground metal scene in its entirety, back into the hands of the people who sleep, eat and breathe Indonesian metal. The original intention of BUSUK was to create an outlet that could be lead by the underground metal community and fans worldwide - please let us revert back to BUSUK’s original concept and return it and its logo to the underground community!

Thank You \m/
[By Jason Xenophobic and used here with his kind written permission.]

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NEW INTERVIEW: Our second interview with Wisnar of POURRITURE (Bandung Death Metal), 2 September 2024.

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