Tuesday 16 August 2016

CD REVIEW: JAGAL (Surabaya DM) - "Jagal / Slaughter" EP, by Hendra Yuwono, 15/8/2016 (English)

JAGAL 2016. Left to Right: Yayan Butcher (vocals), Dhidit Ratt (bass), Endro Wibowo (guitar), and Deddy Demon (drums).
CD REVIEW: JAGAL (Surabaya Death Metal) - "Jagal / Slaughter" EP, by Hendra Yuwono, 15/8/2016 (English)

New vocalist Yayan Butcher
Alright, the four cold blooded killers are back with no mercy against anything that is in their path; they will slaughter all those poor bastards and send their poor souls to the hell!!!

Jagal Surabaya brings us a big atomic surprise bomb with their new EP Jagal / Slaughter, a well constructed and well produced album, and this album really got my full attention...Why??? Because this is their first f***ing time (pardon my French) making a full concept album, from scratch!!! And the concept is not just in the lyrics which tell a story about the years of slaughtering anything that moves!!! It is also a new music concept that they did on this new album!!!

And I really feel that Jagal has been reborn like the phoenix that arises from the ashes as a new found power (are these words too much to describe this new album? No I don't think so), because, if you look back to their 2013 Among the Massacre album, this EP Jagal is really 1000% different. In this album Jagal is giving a more old-school feeling and a bit of technical playing in some parts of their songs, and you will not find any blast to the beats to the blastbeat. This album has mid-paced songs like any old-school death metal album in the early 90s; even so these guys succeed in delivering the concept of slaughtering to our face like a machete slash to your stomach and spill out your every guts!!!

Last but not least I just wanna say thank you to:

Endro Wibowo
Soecahyo Aji
Dhidit Ratt
Yayan Butcher

for giving us a new great f***ing concept album in 2016!!!! |You guys really get my total respect!!! And this will bring a new fresh breath of air to the Surabaya death metal scene, so everyone can learn not to copy-paste what other bands do, but you have be more confident in yourself and your band so you can be different!!! And different is not a bad thing, see Jagal is different but they still stand strong and they can prove difference is power!!!

Recommended album Jagal - Jagal / Slaughter (EP) 2016

My score 7.5 / 10 (I can give 8 or 9 but nah since they only give me five new songs so I give them 7.5)

Buy it or be death posers!! [This review was used with the kind permission of Hendra Yuwono.]

CD reviewer Mr Hendra Yuwono, metalhead from Surabaya
Boyband mbek mas-masku bassist ngganteg at Launching EP Jagal. Left to Right: Dhidit Jagal, Yudha Osiris, Dayat Devarock.
Support from Yudi Zeta (guitarist INJECTED SUFFERAGE, Bandung Death Metal)
The newest band members Dhidit Ratt (bass) and Yayan Butcher (vocals)
JAGAL band Kuala Lumpur tour

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