Friday 25 November 2016

NEW INTERVIEW: Our first interview with EXENEMY (Dhaka, Bangladesh Power Metal), 17/11/2016

Kieran James (Busuk Chronicles)1: Hi, can you tell me the early history from the formation of the band up to now?
Answer from Mashuq (keyboardist, EXENEMY): Hello, well we started just like any other band out there. Our bassist Akib and frontman Emran (two grade school friends) started jamming together and then decided to make a band out of it. At first we had Ishraque on drums and Ratul and Arny on Guitars but later Ratul and Ishraque left and Souren (friend of Arny’s) and Shahriar and Mashuq (kindergarten friends of Emran and Akib’s) joined the band. And to be honest Exenemy started off as a thrash metal band then we gradually got more into melodies and though every single member of this band has different tastes in music, we all loved listening and covering power metal. Though we don’t consider us as a fully-fledged power metal band.  We are simply a Metal band.
KJ2: How is the response of people to your debut album?
Answer: So far it is going great. We’ve had more than a hundred physical copy (CD) orders for The Choir of the Martyrs album (released 11 November 2016). People are looking forward to our T-shirts being in the market so they can buy. Many great musicians in our local scenario have shared our album and also are supporting us. This truly is an amazing feeling. I guess all we need now is a label then we will be all set.
KJ3: What are the most influential bands for you guys in playing music?
Answer: As I’ve mentioned before, everyone as different tastes so we do have a lot of influential bands. But if we had to shorten it down we’d say Kamelot, Helloween, Dragonforce, Avenged Sevenfold, Galneryus, etc.
KJ4: What are your future plans for the band?
Answer: We are planning on hitting the stage as much as we can. We have already prepared a lot of the songs which will be on our next record. We are currently working on a music video and we also have a plan on releasing a Cover EP where we will cover songs of some well known bands.
KJ5: Are the songs you create using English or foreign lyrics?
Answer: We tend to write English songs and our album does contain 8 English tracks but yes we do have 2 Bengali tracks as well.
KJ6: What are the lyrical themes?
Answer: I guess our album name kind of speaks for itself here “The Choir of the Martyrs”. It is dedicated to all the soldiers all over the world who went and died in battles for the foundation of the land we stand in today who remain unnamed and are buried under our feet while we don't even know their names. They had families just like us but they fought for us.
KJ7: Why do you all like to play power-metal instead of deathcore or other modern styles?
Answer: Like I’ve said earlier, we tend to seek for melodies and we do have a lot of other genre influences on our record.
KJ8: When did you first become fans of metal bands?
Answer: We started this band to do metal.
KJ9: What do you say to people who ask why you play western-style music?
Answer: I really don’t know what to answer. Music is music and it has no boundaries. This album is basically a tribute for our soldiers who became martyrs back in the 1971 liberation war in our country. And we wrote the record on English because we wanted to spread the message and the news to a mass population.
KJ10: Do the wives and girlfriends of the personnel support what you are doing?
Answer: We are way too young to be married but yes we do have girlfriends and they do support us a lot. 
KJ11: What are the best and worst things about the metal community in your city?
Answer: The best would be that many bands are now rising and are getting a great platform for companies like Get Amped Series and many more. And the worst thing would be that music has been divided in groups in different part of the city.
KJ12: How big is the metal scene in your country compared to say India and other neighboring countries?
Answer: Metal is huge in our country and we have metalheads almost everywhere. We have great metal bands from legends like Warfaze, Aurthohin, Artcell, Vibe and my personal favorite Cryptic Fate to bands like Mechanix, Powersurge, Enmachined, Trainwreck.
Debut full-length studio album The Choir of the Martyrs (2016)
KJ13: What are your most memorable shows or experiences onstage?
Answer: Requiem for Justice was a gig where for the first time ever the crowd sang along with our newly released track with us.
KJ14: Have you got any message for the fans? Answer: Please listen to our album and if you have then please feel free to let us know what we lack and what do we need to do to make our next album even more and you have liked our album then please support us by buying our music from online stores or purchase our CD, T-shirts and other merchandise when it's out.
KJ15: Can you give us names and genres of some good Bangladeshi metal bands we should listen to?
Answer: Heavy metal, Metalcore, Death metal. Aurthohin, Trainwreck, Absentia, Severe Dementia.
KJ16: Do you know any Indonesian metal bands? I recommend Valerian, Batosay, Umbra Mortis and Jikunsprain.
Answer: Yes we do follow a lot of Indonesian bands and we do love their sound a lot as well. I must say the quality of music over there is truly amazing.
Metal Archives band page:
Youtube videos: 1 Victory Serenade
2 Twisted Saints
3 Rusty Wings
4 The Choir of the Martyrs full album (released 11 November 2016)

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