Tuesday 3 January 2017

CD REVIEW: CORPORAL CARNAGE (Kabupalen Jember) - "Suffering by Diabolical," by A. Sick, 29/12/16

CORPORAL CARNAGE (Ambulu / Kabupalen Jember) - Suffering by Diabolical (Dismembered Records)

A new abomination was born in Indonesia under the name of Corporal Carnage with the intention of destroying all physical f***ing forms of this shitty world and this first murder stage is called "Suffering by Diabolical"! Corporal Carnage performs a sick twisted disgusting Brutal Death F***ing Metal with influences of bands like old Ingurgitate, Mangled Atrocity, Menstrual Disconsumed and a little bit of Perverted Dexterity sharing the same f***ing disease as these bands of pure f***ed up insanity! "Suffering by Diabolical" is 4 original f***ing tracks which are all f***ing amazing and addictive as f*** with a twisted side very present coming to increase the insanity and nastiness of this sick f***ing EP! 14 f***ing minutes including for the most catchy f***ing riffs with a non stop brutality making this release f***ing extreme despite a few slow parts which are of total awesomeness and not decreasing at all the insane f***ing level of this f***ing shit! Corporal Carnage is a duo consisting of Ayicx (Vocals) and Harrick (Guitars) who are doing a brilliant f***ing job and especially f***ing sick by giving us an addictive songwriting and totally f***ing twisted including a great composed drums machine done by Ipung (Reduced) but having unfortunately a shit f***ing sound! Vocals on this release are f***ing disgusting and great as f*** with no boring parts and same goes for the guitar including only catchy and brilliant f***ing riffing marking your f***ing mind with their twisted f***ing insanity! The production of this f***ing shit is really great, obviously not flawless especially with the drums machine but having a disgusting f*'**ing atmosphere going perfectly with the musick shared by the band, the mixing is very well done and this f***ing EP really sounds like some barbarian sicko among a crowd waving his f***ing axe and chopping everything! Corporal Carnage just delivered a total sick f***ing piece of total f***ing insanity having everything to please to the sickest souls of this shitty scene and making addicted everybody giving it a listen! "Suffering by Diabolical" is a total successful EP having as only flaw to include a crap drums machine sound but fastly forgotten by the amazing composition and this f***ing shit is a f***ing must! Disgusting F***ing Piece of Twisted F***ing Insanity! 9.5/10. [This review was first published by Andrew Sick of Sick Reviews on 29 December 2016 and is used here with his kind permission.]

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