NEWS: Bob Rockiller (ex-Bleeding Corpse vocalist) returns to the stage with Turbidity @ Mojokerto Black Conspiracy, 8/8/2017. Bobby was vocalist of Bleeding Corpse until 2012-13 when he resigned from the band. Then he joined Hydro which was never an active or successful band, and so people no longer saw him on the stage for several years apart from guest vocal appearances. Then last year, in a surprise move, he joined Bandung slammers Turbidity replacing Andre (vocalist 2012-16). Sometimes, in the past, Bobby had done duets on stage with Turbidity when Dada was the vocalist (see picture below, from a 2011 Turbidity show in Bandung). Bobby is a famous front-man in Indonesia with a huge presence on the stage. However, off the stage, he is a humble and gentle giant. He connects very well with the younger fans and they can sense his kind and humble spirit. He also tries very hard to connect to them. He is dedicated to the scene and the community and he has a high standard of ethics. Best wishes to Bobby. P.S. Bobby was guest vocalist on Demons Damn's album Humiliation (2013) (tracks 4 and 8) and Jasad's album Rebirth of Jatisunda (2013) (track 5) [by Kieran James, 30/08/2017].

NEWS: Bob Rockiller (ex-vokalis Bleeding Corpse) kembali ke panggung dengan Kekompakan @ Mojokerto Black Conspiracy, 8/9/2017. Bobby adalah vokalis Bleeding Corpse sampai 2012-13 saat mengundurkan diri dari band. Lalu ia bergabung dengan Hydro, yang bukan band yang aktif atau sukses. Kemudian tahun lalu, dalam sebuah langkah mengejutkan, ia bergabung dengan Bandung slammers Turbidity menggantikan Andre (vokalis 2012-16). Terkadang, di masa lalu, Bobby telah tampil di panggung dengan kekeruhan saat Dada menjadi vokalis (lihat gambar, dari pertunjukan Turbidity 2011 di Bandung). Bobby adalah frontman terkenal di Indonesia dengan kehadiran yang sangat besar di atas panggung. Namun, di luar panggung, dia adalah raksasa yang rendah hati dan lembut. Dia terhubung ke dunia. Dia juga berusaha sangat keras untuk terhubung dengan mereka. Dia didedikasikan untuk tempat kejadian dan masyarakat dan dia memiliki standar etika yang tinggi. Semoga Bobby. P.S. Bobby was guest vocalist on Demons Damn's album Humiliation (2013) (tracks 4 and 8) and Jasad's album Rebirth of Jatisunda (2013) (track 5) [oleh Kieran James, 30/08/2017].
BACK IN BLACK: Bobby live with Turbidity @ Sukabumi, West Java, August 2017. |
BLEEDING CORPSE live @ Cibinong, 8 October 2011. Left to Right: Bob Rockiller (vox), Luk Luk Adrian (bass), Uus Death (guitar), and Ari Bejo (drums) (obscured from view). |
Bobby vocal duet with Dada @ Turbidity show, East Bandung, 9 October 2011. |
Left to Right: Bobby Bleeding Corpse, Dada Turbidity, Daniel Turbidity, Kieran James, Mamay Turbidity, Casper Hell Turbidity (Manager) @ Bandung, 10 October 2011. |
Left to Right: Kieran James and John Yoedi (Busuk Webzine), Iwan D (ESP), and Bob Rockiller, April 2012. |
Popo's birthday @ Old Common Room, April 2012. Left to Right: Bob Rockiller, Popo Demons Damn, Butche (The Cruel), and Man Jasad. |
BLEEDING CORPSE Resurrection of Murder line-up @ Cibinong, 8 October 2011. Left to Right: Adrian Luk Luk (bass); Ari Bejo (drums); Uus Death (guitar); and Bob Rock (vocals). |
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