Saturday 21 May 2016

CD REVIEW: DIGGING UP (Bandung) - "Disseminated Inapparent Infection" CD (2014), by Andrew Sick

Digging Up (Bandung) - Disseminated Inapparent Infection (Disembowel Records)

From the Kingdom of Metal Indonesia, Digging Up are finally ready to f***ing drop their highly anticipated f***ing bomb "Disseminated Inapparent Infection"! 36 minutes, nine f***ing songs (one instrumental and one Jasad cover), this puddle of f***ing puke is all about the real Brutal Death F***ing Metal played in a sick and extreme f***ing way that I think can be a mixture of the old Indonesian Brutal Death with influences of American bands like Gorgasm, Disgorge, Condemned...! Digging Up is Andry Gila (Vocals), Sebastian Dedra (Guitars), Wedra Ramsey (Bass), Arief Rahadian (Drums) and the four sickos are doing an awesome f***ing job with this f***ing piece of sickness of a constant and excellent brutality! The production of this pure f***ing sick shit is f***ing good, also the mixing despite some lack at the drums, a very heavy and powerful f***ing sound that stabs our f***ing ears with a bunch of f***ing shit! "Disseminated Inapparent Infection" is filled with almost only f***ing great riffs, some perhaps a little less enjoyable but I think this f***ing shit is still a total success, f***ing sick vocals completely brutal as f*** that can seem sometimes redundant but never bother us and drums f***ing successful, fast and f***ing sick as f***! Digging Up just show us that the f***ing wait has been worth it fully with an outstanding f***ing album which I think is already f***ing cult for Indonesia and the rest of the shitty world and despite its flaws, this f***ing insane release is almost f***ing perfect at all brutal levels! "Disseminated Inapparent Infection" is without f***ing doubt a f***ing must for all f***ing brutal sickos worldwide! Amazing Brutal F***ing Shit! 9/10. [This review was first published by Andrew Sick of Sick Reviews on 1 January 2015 and is used here with his kind permission.]

Comment from Teguh Prasetyo (who joined DIGGING UP on bass after this album but has now left the band): "This album really improved my technique, and I quite got nervous when first jamming with Dedra Digging, because he is a man with reputation, and I f***ed up a lot at first" [22/5/2016].

Response from Dedra Digging: "Heuheuheuheu dikopian dulu pake abc susu tauuuu .... sini ke main ke pa" [22/5/2016].

Response from Teguh Prasetyo: "Aslining tos lama teu nangkring a' ma mun c Agung latihan rek nebeng rek ngadon menta kopi ka PA" [22/5/2016].  

Response from Dedra Digging: "Hayu kemooon grin emoticon pas takaran kopi na di PA mah kwkkwkwkwkkwkwk" [22/5/2016]. 

Comment from Teguh Prasetyo: "Dedra invited me to his home when I was still with him in Digging Up, like just hangout in his home, drinking coffee and sharing about everything...I will do it again someday" [23/5/2016]. 

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