Monday 23 May 2016

CD REVIEW: TENGGOROKAN (Kediri Kingdom DM) - "Execution of Death" CD (2015), by Andrew Sick

Tenggorokan (Kediri Kingdom Death Metal) - Execution of Death (Disembowel Records, 1,000 copies)

From Kediri / East Java, Tenggorokan are back after a few years of silence to offer their debut f***ing album entitled "Execution of Death" and spreading the terror in the world of extreme f***ing musick! This Indonesian band performs a Brutal Death F***ing Metal that could also be called Barbaric Death Metal f***ing sick and enjoyable being able to mix very well the Death Metal and Brutal Death elements! "Execution of Death" contains ten f***ing songs including an intro and are for the most part of high f***ing quality, maybe a couple of songs a little less good and some less enjoyable riffs but in general this f***ing shit is a pure bomb of brutality of a great f***ing success! Tenggorokan is Viky (Vocals), Yahnes (Guitars), Martin (Bass), Yuna (Drums) and the sickos are delivering a mighty f***ing composition and despite some imperfections, they do their f***ing job very well with this excellent f***ing release that just marked the beginning of a brutal shitty journey for this great f***ing band! Viky is doing an excellent f***ing job on vox by giving a powerful guttural that could be perhaps a mix between Mark "Barney" Greenway (Napalm Death) and Fabio Marin (Internal Suffering), Yahnes on guitars is f***ing great and offering some great and brilliant riffs with an excellent songwriting, Martin on Bass is also doing a very good job and finally Yuna on drums is f***ing brutal and fast still mixing very well tempos but missing maybe a little energy at some f***ing parts! The production of this f***ing shit is still very good, well done mixing despite some flaws and a good sound maybe lacking a little of rawness but still sounding like a f***ing ton of f***ing shit! 36 brutal f***ing minutes of pure savagery that are mostly f***ing excellent with an oppressive atmosphere added with a brutal music destroying everything in his f***ing path! Tenggorokan has managed their debut in the Brutal Death Metal with an ingenious f***ing composition and "Execution of Death", despite some negative points, is of an obvious f***ing enjoyment and is definitely recommended to all Death Metal and Brutal Death f***ing fans around! Great & Brutal F***ing Stuff! 8/10. [This review was first published by Andrew Sick of Sick Reviews on 3 January 2016 and is used here with his kind permission.]

Left to Right: Yahnes Tenggorokan, Kieran James (Busuk Chronicles), Mr. Bintuk (first band Fatal Orgasme, now at Inhuman Suffering), Yudiagusta (vokalis Sereignos / Emptys), Dimas Valerian @ Kediri, 25/1/2014

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