Tuesday 19 December 2017

NEW INTERVIEW: Our first interview with BETUAH (Riau, Indonesia metalcore), 12/10/17.

KJ1: Hai, bisakah kamu menceritakan sejarah awal terbentuknya band kalian hingga sekarang?
Betuah: Pada awal ceritanya terbentuk band betuah ini karena nongkrong bareng aja, kita – kita emang pada emang sudah mengenal musik cadas. Dengan personel pada waktu itu JUP (vocal), AGUS (Guitar), MULYADI (drum), YOGA (bass). Dan sempat berkarya namun putus ditengah jalan. Pada 2016 bulan januari, Imul mengundurkan diri sebagai drum dan digantikan oleh Reza pada drum. Pada maret 2016 Yoga mengundurkan diri untuk meneruskan kuliah di Bandung. Pada bulan mei 2016 betuah menambah personil sebagai gitar dua atas nama Yudi, dan kami sempat berkarya sampai bulan November 2016. Dan Betuah sempat vakum untuk beberapa waktu.
Akhirnya Agus (guitar) mengundurkan diri dan digantikan dengan Cadet Mizer yang sebelumya adalah personil Extreme Zionis dan additional Pinokio. Pada bulan Juni 2017 Betuah kembali berkarya. Pada waktu itu Mulyadi yang awalnya drummer mengisi di posisi bass hingga sekarang, dan Reza sebagai Drum. Akhirnya Betuah menetapkan untuk mengusung genre Metalcore.

KJ2: Bagaimana respon orang – orang dengan single Betuah – siksa yang telah dirilis kemarin di  youtube?
Betuah: Alhamdulillah respon mini album kami terhadap masyarakat sangat begitu baik dan teman –teman serta keluarga sangat mendukung dengan musik yang kami mainkan, tidak ada yang bertentangan dan dapat diterima dengan baik.

KJ3: Band apa yang paling mempengaruhi bagi kalian dalam bermain musik?
Betuah: Kami disini banyak mendapatkan inspirasi  - inspirasi dari band luar dan dalam negeri yaitu: Killswitch Engage, Lamb Of God, Slayer, Burgerkill, Kapital dan lain – lain. Ya kalau membuat lagu sih harus mempunyai banyak refrensi.

KJ4: Apa rencana kedepan kalian bersama Betuah?
Betuah: Yang jelas kami akan merilis mini album dan video klip yang dikerjakan oleh drummer kami sendiri Reza Fender Rizky. Dan sebelumnya Betuah sudah mengerjakan video klip single dengan judul Siksa. Ya.. namanya setiap band pasti mempunyai impian untuk maju dan menjadi band-band yang disorot publik musik Indonesia dan luar negeri. Jangan lupa ya follow instagram kami Betuah_Official...

KJ5: Apakah lagu – lagu kalian menggunakan bahasa Inggris dan Indonesia?
Betuah: Untuk saat ini Betuah menulis lirik menggunakan bahasa Indonesia tidak menutup kemungkinan kedepannya Betuah menulis lirik menggunakan bahasa Inggris, semoga saja ….

KJ6: Mengapa kalian semua suka memainkan musik metalcore?
Betuah: Pada umumnya kami universal saja pada musik, untuk Betuah kami memilih metalcore karena dari hati kami tergerak ingin mendalami dan berkarya dengan genre ini.

KJ7: Kapan pertama kali kamu menjadi fans band metal?
Betuah: Sejak sekolah SMP kami sudah mendengarkan lagu – lagu metal. Kalau jaman kami dulu sih, untuk mendengar band metal, sangatlah sulit karena belum terlalu mengenal teknologi, hanya mendengar di kaset tape. Berbeda dengan jaman sekarang ini sangatlah mudah untuk mendengarkan musik metal, hanya perlu mengakses internet maka kita bisa mendegarkan musik metal  dari seluruh dunia. Dan sampai saat ini kami memainkan genre musik metalcore.

KJ8: Apa yang kamu katakan kepada orang – orang yang bertanya mengapa kamu memainkan musik bergaya barat?
Betuah: Karena kami lebih banyak terinspirasi dari band – band luar negeri yang telah mendunia dan    berpengaruh pada musikalitas kami. Tetapi kami tidak lantas meninggalkan kebudayaan – kebudayaan tradisional kami. Karena itulah akar bermusik kami.

KJ9: Apakah para istri dan kekasih para personil Betuah mendukung apa yang kalian kerjakan?
Betuah: Tentu saja, mereka selalu memberi dukungan terhadap band kami.

KJ10: Apakah hal – hal yang terbaik dan terburuk tentang komunitas di kota kalian?
Betuah: Pada umumnya teman – teman mendukung atas event – event musik yang telah ada. Dari sini kita bisa lihat respon mereka terhadap musik metal sangat memuaskan.

KJ11: Diacara apa kalian merasakan stage yang berkesan?
Betuah: Semua stage yang Betuah lalui sangat berkesan. Pada setiap perfom Betuah di atas stage selalu ada keseruan, yang tak bisa kami lupakan begitu saja. Dan kami terus ingin mengulanginya lagi.

KJ: Ada pesan untuk kawan – kawan?
Betuah: Jangan berhenti berkarya, untuk semua band – band yang ada di Indonesia. Dan saling dukung aja untuk kita semua.

KJ: Oke terima kasih banyak.

Betuah - Siksa - Single 2017 (Official Music Video):

Betuah Contact Jln. Darussalam No.9 Rt 4/3 Sungai Guntung Kec.kateman 29255 Inhil - Riau Indonesia. Hp: 082268299902 / +62 82268299902 Fanpage: Betuah IG.: Betuah_Official

Friday 1 December 2017

NEW INTERVIEW: Our first interview with BADRANAYA (Bandung War Metal), 11/11/2017.

Kieran James: Hai, bisakah kamu menceritakan sejarah awal terbentuknya band kalian hingga sekarang? DB1: Ntuk Badranaya sendiri sbtulnya adalah projekan lain yg baru yg didirikan pada awal tahun 2017 yg dimna semua personilnya pun memiliki band2 nya sendiri, berawal dari kesamaan visi dan misi adalah ingin mempopularitaskan kembali band2 yg bernuansa blackened adalah bukan suatu hal khusus lagi genre ini menurut kami sudah mulai memasuki masa dedikasinya. Formasi awal adalah dani badar selaku guitar vokal, Diar selaku Bass, dan Gery ashlan selaku drum. Hingga saat ini formasi tersebut adalah formasi yg masih seperti pertama kali didirikan. KJ2: Bagaimana respon orang-orang dengan mini album/album/demo band Kamu?
DB2: Jika untuk masalah album, kenyataannya kami bukanlah band yg sudah berdiri semenjak lama, kami belum sama sekali memiliki bukti fisik berupa album maupun demo, namun respon ntuk Badranaya sendiri bisi dinilai dari segi kami di stage, menurut kami para penikmat musik cukup support dan antusias dengan kehadiran kami, walaupun tidaklah semuanya, dan diantara merekapun tengah berharap kepada kami ntuk secepatnya mulai men-take lagu lagu milik kami.
KJ3: Band apa yang paling berpengaruh bagi Kalian dalam bermain musik? DB3: Band yg paling berpengaruh besar bagi kami adlah Behemoth, Deicide, Marduk, Infernal War dan Hate. KJ4: Apa rencana kedepan kalian bersama band? DB4: Planning kedepannya kami adalah merealese album full, beserta video official nya, dan juga kami pun berencana ntuk merealise sbuah Novel dari Badranaya sendiri. KJ5: Apakah lagu-lagu yang kalian buat menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dan Indonesia. DB5: Perihal lirik kami menggunakan bahasa indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris, namun kami lebih besar ke bahasa kami sendiri adalah indonesia, bertujuan ntuk mudah di cerna oleh pendengar musik indonesia, karena tidak semua orang indonesia itu paham berbahasa asing hehehe... KJ6: Apa yang kalian ceritakan dalam lirik-lirik yang kalian buat? DB6: Konsep lagu kami lebih ke paganis, satanis, dan pemberontakan. KJ7: Mengapa kalian semua suka memainkan musik WAR-METAL? DB7: KARENA JIWA KAMI YANG KERAS SEKERAS PARA PEJUANG PERANG!!! KJ8: Kapan pertama kali kamu menjadi fans band metal?
DB8: Sekitaran era 98 sewaktu sya masih remaja. KJ9: Apa yang Kamu katakan kepada orang-orang yang bertanya mengapa Kamu memainkan musik bergaya barat? DB9: Tidak dipungkiri bagi kami yg menjadi RUTH musik metal adalah negara Barat. KJ10: Apakah para istri dan kekasih para personil kalian mendukung apa yang kalian kerjakan? DB10: SANGAT MENDUKUNG SELAGI ITU ADALAH HAL POSITIV. KJ11: Apakah hal-hal yang terbaik dan terburuk tentang komunitas di kota kalian? DB11: Hal terbaik adalah pergerakan mereka yg tak pernah padamnya memperjuangkan musik metal ntuk terus tetap ada. Dan ntuk perihal terburuk nya bagi kami akan senantiasa berfikir positiv dan tidak mau memandang jelek!! KJ12: Are you influenced by RAJAM band? DB12: Tidak sama sekali.
KJ13: What are your favourite 3 Indonesian War Metal CDs? DB13: Jika bertanya tiga kami hanya akan menjawab satu, adalah Warkvlt, namun bukan berarti kami menilai yg selain dari pada Warkvlt adalah standart standart, bagi kami merrka semua yg bernuansa war adalah hebat. Namun diantara lainnya kami amat repect kepada Warkvlt. KJ14: Ada pesan untuk kawan kawan? DB14: TERUSLAH BERKARYA DALAM MUSIK METAL, WALAUPUN KITA ADALAH MUSIK YG TERKESAN DI MINORITAS KAN TIDAK PERLU MUNDUR KARENA SENI ADALAH BERNILAI RELATIV!!! KJ15: OK, terima kasih banyak. DB15: OK MR james you'r welcome, have a nice day, thk very much.
Badranaya metal BDG 
Indonesian Black and Death metal Band From Bandung, West Java
Please follow us on Facebook page:
Manager: Agunk Abyssia
* @terror_mask6666: Guitar & Vocal
* Diar Battar: Bass
* Gerry Ashlan: Drums.

Monday 20 November 2017

For Those About to Rock We Salute You: Our Tribute to Malcolm Young (6/6/1953-18/11/2017).

AC/DC NEWS: It is with deepest sorrow that we inform you of the death of Malcolm Young, beloved husband, father, grandfather and brother. Malcolm had been suffering from Dementia for several years and passed away peacefully with his family by his bedside.

Renowned for his musical prowess Malcolm was a songwriter, guitarist, performer, producer and visionary who inspired many. From the outset, he knew what he wanted to achieve and, along with his younger brother, took to the world stage giving their all at every show. Nothing less would do for their fans. Malcolm is survived by his loving wife O'Linda, children Cara and Ross, son-in-law Josh, three grandchildren, sister and brother.

While thanking all for their overwhelming support and heartfelt condolences, the family ask that you respect their privacy during this time of heartbreak and grief.

For those wishing to send messages to the family please visit the Sydney Morning Herald Malcolm Young Memorial website which will be available next week.

The family have asked instead of flowers to send donations to The Salvation Army.

Wikipedia Bio (as at 20 November 2017):
Malcolm Mitchell Young (6 January 1953 – 18 November 2017) was a Scottish-Australian musician and songwriter, best known as a co-founder, rhythm guitarist, backing vocalist and songwriter for the hard rock band AC/DC. Except for a brief absence in 1988, he was with the band from its November 1973 beginning until retiring in 2014 for health reasons. Young and the other members of AC/DC were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2003.
Though his younger brother Angus was the more visible of the brothers, Malcolm was described as the driving force and the leader of the band. In 2014, he stated that despite his retirement from the band, AC/DC was determined to continue making music with his blessing. As the rhythm guitarist, he was responsible for the broad sweep of the band's sound, developing many of their guitar riffs and co-writing the band's material with Angus. He was married to Linda Young and had two children, Cara and Ross.
Young took a leave of absence from AC/DC in April 2014, to receive treatment for dementia. In September 2014, the band's management announced that he would be retiring permanently. He died on 18 November 2017.
William Young (born 16 February 1911) and his family lived at 6 Skerryvore Road in the Cranhill district of Glasgow in Scotland. William worked first as a wheel boy in a rope works and then as a machine / saw operator in an asbestos / cement business. In 1940 William joined the Royal Air Force serving in World War 2 as a flight engine mechanic. After the war William worked as a yard man for a builder and then as a postman. His wife Margaret (born 14 July 1913, her maiden name was also Young) was a housewife.
The "big freeze" of 1963 was one of the worst winters on record in the UK, with snow 8 feet (2.4 m) deep. A TV advertisement shown in Britain at that time offered assisted travel for families to start a different life in Australia. 15 members of the Young family left Britain by air in late June 1963, including fifth son, George (6 November 1946 – 22 October 2017), and younger brothers, Malcolm and Angus (born 31 March 1955).
Tower blocks in Glasgow, Malcolm's birth-city
Also aboard were his eldest brother Stephen (24 June 1933 – 1989), his only sister, Mrs Margaret Horsburgh (born 2 May 1935) and brother, William Jr (born 15 December 1940). Another elder brother, Alex (28 December 1938 – 1997), stayed in the UK, and was later a member of London-based group, Grapefruit. Another brother, John Young (born 17 May 1937), had migrated to Australia separately. Malcolm later described the family's musical background: "All the males in our family played, Stevie, the oldest played accordion, Alex and John were the first couple to play guitar, and being older it was sort of passed down to George, then myself, then Angus."
Initially staying at Villawood Migrant Hostel (a site later turned into Villawood Immigration Detention Centre) in Nissen huts, George Young met and became friends with another migrant, Harry Vanda. The Young family then moved into a semi-detached house at 4 Burleigh Street in the Sydney suburb of Burwood.
Both Angus and Malcolm Young were in a band with their brother George and his music partner Harry Vanda called Marcus Hook Roll Band. The project released an album in Australia called Tales of Old Grand Daddy. Malcolm Young played guitar on the 1974 release "Evie" by Stevie Wright, written and produced by Harry Vanda and George Young. The song is 11 minutes long and has three parts. Young played the guitar solo in Part One of the song. Malcolm Young was in a short lived Newcastle-based band The Velvet Underground (not the well-known 1960s band).
Malcolm Young was 20 when he and younger brother Angus formed AC/DC in 1973. Angus was on lead guitar, Malcolm on rhythm guitar, Colin Burgess on drums, Larry Van Kriedt on bass guitar and Dave Evans on vocals. "Can I Sit Next To You Girl," their first single, was later re-recorded with Bon Scott as their vocalist. They decided upon the name AC/DC after seeing the letters "AC/DC" on the back of their sister Margaret's sewing machine.
In early 1977 they returned to Britain and began a European tour with Black Sabbath. While Bon Scott and Ozzy Osbourne quickly became friends, relations were less than cordial between the other members of the respective bands. In one incident, Geezer Butler pulled a knife on Malcolm Young. Later in the year they toured with Rainbow.
Towards the end of 1977, bassist Mark Evans was fired; purportedly to find someone who could sing backup vocals. Evans described disagreement with Angus and Malcolm as a contributing factor. He was replaced by Cliff Williams. Neither of the Young brothers has elaborated on the departure of Evans, though Richard Griffiths, the CEO of Epic Records and a booking agent for AC/DC in the mid-1970s, later commented, "You knew Mark wasn't going to last, he was just too much of a nice guy."
In 1988, Young missed the majority of AC/DC's Blow Up Your Video World Tour to address alcohol abuse issues. He eventually became sober and returned to the band. During his absence he was replaced by his nephew, Stevie Young.
In April 2014, Young became seriously ill and was unable to continue performing. On 16 April 2014, AC/DC released a note stating that Young would be "taking a break from the band due to ill health". However, singer Brian Johnson stated that despite earlier reports, AC/DC are not retiring: "We are definitely getting together in May in Vancouver. We're going to pick up guitars, have a plonk and see if anybody has got any tunes or ideas. If anything happens we'll record it." In July, Johnson revealed that Young was in hospital receiving treatment for an unspecified condition and during May recording sessions had been replaced in the studio by guitarist Stevie Young, his nephew. On 24 September 2014, the band's management announced that Young would not be rejoining the band. Stevie Young continued to fill in for Malcolm on the band's 2015 Rock or Bust World Tour.
On 26 September 2014, The Sydney Morning Herald reported that Young had dementia and had been admitted to a nursing home where he could receive full-time care. A source close to Young was quoted in this article as saying that he had "complete loss of short-term memory". Young's family confirmed four days later that he had dementia, saying that Young "is suffering from dementia and the family thanks you for respecting their privacy".
In subsequent interviews, Angus stated that his brother had been experiencing lapses in memory and concentration before the Black Ice project and had been receiving treatment during the Black Ice World Tour which ended in 2010. Angus confirmed that although his brother did not play on the 2014 Rock or Bust album: "He still likes his music. We make sure he has his Chuck Berry, a little Buddy Holly." He added that AC/DC would continue according to his brother's wishes and standards: "Look, even with his health, Malcolm was touring until he couldn't do it anymore." In that same interview, Angus stated that Malcolm was rehearsing AC/DC's songs repeatedly before every concert just to remember how they went. In an interview with Guitar Player about Malcolm Young's songwriting credits in Rock or Bust, Angus stated, "Mal[colm] kept doing what he could until he couldn't do it anymore, but I have all the material he was working on. There were a lot of riffs, ideas, and bits of choruses. I'd fill things in to see if we had a song. Every album we've ever done has been that way. There was always a bit from the past, a bit from what we had that was brand new, and, sometimes, just an old idea that either Malcolm or myself had worked on but we never finished. The songwriting process didn't really change, except for the fact that Mal wasn't physically there. So when it came to writing and putting stuff together, I had Stevie [Young] there with me. You see, Malcolm was always a great organizer. He always kept track of the stuff we were writing together. He'd record it, date it, make notes. My records — if you can call them that — are always chaotic. So, this time, Stevie helped me organize a lot of what was there." 
At the conclusion of the Black Ice World Tour, Malcolm was diagnosed with lung cancer. It was treated at an early stage, so surgery was successful and the cancer was removed. He also had an unspecified heart problem and wore a pacemaker.
Young died on 18 November 2017 at the age of 64, at Lulworth House in Elizabeth Bay. Young's elder brother George Young died a few weeks earlier, on 22 October 2017.
Influenced by 1950s rock and roll and blues-based rock guitarists of the 1960s and 1970s, Young was regarded as a leading rock exponent of rhythm guitar. He is the subject of a song (and album) title by Australian punk rock band Frenzal Rhomb: "Forever Malcolm Young".
Guitar Player magazine has stated that the secret to Young's guitar technique was playing open chords through a series of Marshalls set to low volume with little or no gain. This is contrary to a common belief of many rock guitarists that rhythm guitar should involve loud and overdriven power chords through large amplifiers.

Thursday 16 November 2017

NEW INTERVIEW: Our first interview with D'GRUNG HC (Hardcore / Groove) (Bengkulu, Curup, Sumatra ID)

Kieran James1: Hi, can you tell me the early history from the formation of the band up to now? 1. First we made this band D'Grung HC starting from myself (Jhon Win) as the guitarist who formed it, At the end of 2016 I invited my little friend to fill as drummer (Erwin Bebe) and on that day we immediately found Vocalis (Refal Pauw) and we worked together to create songs without any bassist.
KJ2: How is the response of people to your mini-albums / album / demos? 2. The response about the demo (we made 50pcs) was very good and very respect to us. We distribute Promo CDs for free to friends and others. KJ3: What are the most influential bands for you guys in playing music? 3. The bands that really influenced us were Hatebreed; Wolf Down; Worst; and Outright. KJ4: What are your future plans for the band? 4. We will complete the first Mini album / album this year. KJ5: Are the songs you create using English or foreign lyrics? 5. Our lyrics use English. KJ6: What are the lyrical themes? 6. Our title and song lyrics tell of human war, enmity, arrogance, doctrination. KJ7: Why do you all like to play hardcore instead of deathcore or other modern styles? 7. For all the metal songs we like but we chose hardcore because it is more animated and in line with our skill. KJ8: When did you first become fans of hardcore bands? 8. We have been hardcore band fans since we listened to Hatebreed's songs. KJ9: What do you say to people who ask why you play western-style music9. Because it looks simple but very memorable and has a strong rhythm power. KJ10: Do the wives and girlfriends of the personnel support what you are doing10. We are all unmarried and the support from our family is very positive and gives the spirit for hardcore music. KJ11: What are the best and worst things about the metal community in your city11. The good thing is we are always compact when there is a music event and help each other. The worst thing is there are still many competing in metal music and mock each other. KJ12: What are your most memorable shows or experiences onstage? 12. Until now we have not received a call to stage, because we're focused on completing some songs for the album. KJ13: Have you got any message for the fans? 13. Our message to friends in my city and other cities: Keep working and keep mutual relationship with any genre.

Thursday 9 November 2017

CD REVIEW: DEVANGELIC (Rome, Lazio, Italy) - Phlegethon, by Andrew Sick (Sick Reviews), 8/11/2017

DEVANGELIC (Rome, Lazio, Italy) - Phlegethon (Comatose Music)

The infernal Italian horde of f***ing demons worshiper of Disgorge USA, Devangelic, is back darker than ever with the goal to create the hell on earth with this second opus of pure destructive f***ing brutality baptized with the sperm of goats under the name of "Phlegethon" and establishing a true f***ing divine insanity that will pierce every f***ing souls around the shitty world! This bloodthirsty and ruthless demonic f***ing beast is back to offer its sick Brutal Death F***ing Metal with a composition totally f***ing brilliant and although the parts that sound a lot like Disgorge can be criticized, I think this f***ing monster does it very well, doesn't hide itself to be highly influenced and with their own f***ing identity are still able to create some original and enjoyable f***ing shit! "Phlegethon" really makes us feel to be into some hellish f***ing world and slowly burning us while the 10 f***ing wars (digipak includes 2 more songs, Morbid Angel cover and song from the demo 2016) are playing and making bleed our f***ing ears and eyes by their ingenuity and flawless f***ing execution but could have removed the intros a little long! Devangelic gives us an evil f***ing masterpiece of total f***ing sickness that will be forever marked on the wall of corpses with an atmosphere of the most heavy, sadistic and f***ing brutal!The production is f***ing insane and loud as f*** only increasing the dark and evil ambiance of this insane f***ing shit with a perfect mixing that make sounds that f***ing shit like some demons killing and dismembering everything in their f***ing path! "Phlegethon" is a f***ing gem in the shitty genre being f***ing sick and addictive from start to end but you will have need to listen to this new album sometimes to get all what is going on and to realize how this f***ing shit can be genius on each f***ing level! This brutal f***ing apocalypse is commanded by Paolo Chiti (Vocals), Mario Di Giambattista (Guitars), Damiano Bracci (Bass), Marco Coghe (Drums) and the evil f***ing quartet came out from the putrid f***ing wells of hell are giving a demonstration of talent by creating a flawless songwriting and powerful f***ing performance! Paolo as usual is giving an awesome guttural f***ing brutal, Mario is delivering crazy f***ing compositions with perfect structures including the catchy parts to each f***ing song to make this second release enjoyable from A to Z, Damiano is also showing some amazing f***ing parts and Marco on drums is just f***ing insane only increasing the f***ing level of insanity from this descent into hell! For my part I think the band just offered their best material and was hard to do since the debut album is f***ing perfect but they still managed to push the boundaries of sickness and perfection by giving some excessive brutality totally f***ing addictive! The blasphemous f***ing beast called Devangelic is now making part of the elite and "Phlegethon" is without f***ing doubt a mandatory piece of f***ing shit to all sickos having no fear to burn in f***ing hell! Perfect Addictive Evil F***ing Piece of Brutal F***ing Darkness! 10/10. (This review was first published by Andrew Sick of Sick Reviews and is used here with his kind permission.)

Personal Tribute from Andrew Sick to Mario Di Giambattista: I want to send a tribute because I think sometimes its also important to say some good things and perhaps influencing people and making understand what is brutality so I want to send a tribute to Mario Di Giambattista and he will probably not see this post since he probably hide my posts since a f***ing while lmfao Then, I want to mention the fact that this guy did a 5th full length album lastly and after all those years still capable to deliver perfection in brutality! I think with no doubt the 2 first Vulvec cd are masterpieces, the third perhaps only very good (little anecdote that I remember when I did the review of third and gave it 10/10 and some days after I said to Mario that it was a mistake from me but more a 9/10, honestly for me is important)! So even 9/10 was amazing at this moment and since this time he did 2 more albums with Devangelic and also f***ing perfect with all elements from the BDM and nothing is missing there, not much people are able to do as much masterpieces and still very creative! I only wish Mario you will never change your way of brutality and if one day you're still deciding to play mainstream music, change of band name and I will not shit on you hahaha joke apart, respect and continue the great job! (9 November 2017).

CONCERT REVIEW: SAXON, live @ Barrowland Ballroom, Glasgow, Scotland, 21 November 2022, by KIeran James.

SAXON concert review – Glasgow, Scotland, 21 November 2022, by Kieran James “We stood in the dark and the band played on” It wasn’t a no...