Tuesday 9 February 2016

OPINION: "Eight years passed since deaths at BESIDE concert", by Jason Xenophobic, 9/2/2016 (Bahasa Indonesian)

Hari ini adalah peringatan 8 tahun (09 Februari 2008 - 09 Februari 2016) di Gedung AACC Jl. Braga, Bandung. Pray for #elevenheroes #melawanlupa #presidenrepublikgaban [by Kancil Jihad. 9 February 2016].

Article by Jason Xenophobic [revised version]:
In Indonesia, especially in Bandung Jakarta and major cities other bands whose names were Metal paid homage to those who claimed injustice or wrote songs with a sharp social critique but who incidentally smelt and conspired with tyranny and politicians. NEVER TRUST politicians and the bands even help politicians win. They forgot what is the true purpose of politicians and politicians instead let themselves be allied with the giant tobacco companies that should help politicians and holding facilities music venue / art not only with imaging. Where the tobacco companies freely promote their TSB and peddle their products to young people from the age of 13 years and over! * Http://m.supermusic.id/supernoize/roots-rock-rebel-1

The band even forgetting its true struggle to help and turned a blind eye so that the cigarette companies are getting richer *(http://m.liputan6.com/bisnis/read/2142905/berkat-rokok-3-pengusaha-ini-jadi-orang-terkaya-di-indonesia)

Only a few were willing to speak, only a few who want to protest because it was too long immersed in doctrine that we must respect parents or honor what has been established here.
JIHAD which in Arabic means Struggling vocabulary and in English STRIVE / strugle! Dare to speak.
JIHAD DEATH METAL BAND dare ask and dare #melawanlupa although certainly many who accused negatively, they dare to ask about the social inequalities that do exist.
SALUT JIHAD FOR DEATH METAL for still walking in the same path and fighting for our rights together!

Ps: nothing personal this is just my opinion and at the same time criticism - NO ONE SAVE FROM ABOVE AND NO ONE OTHER THEN ITS EQ

[This post is published here with the kind permission of Jason.]

[by Jason Xenophobic, 9 February 2016, revised version 10 February 2016]
[English translation by: Jason H and Jack Frost.]

Bahasa Indonesian Version:

Di Indonesia terutama di Bandung Jakarta dan kota-kota besar lainnya Band band yg namanya Metal yg beraliran keras yg mengaku anti ketidak adilan atau menulis lagu dengan kritik sosial yg sangat tajam tapi yg notabene mencium dan bersekongkol dengan tirany dan Politisi ,melupakan slogan yg telah mendarah daging di setiap perjuangan NEVER TRUST POLITICIAN dan malah membantu Politisi memenangkan apa tujuan yg sebenarnya dari politisi dan politisi malah membiarkan dan bersekutu dengan perusahaan rokok raksasa yg seharusnya politisi membantu dan mengadakan fasilitas venue music/seni bukan hanya dengan pencitraan,

Dimana perusahaan rokok tsb mereka dengan leluasa berpromosi dan menjajakan rokok produksinya kepada kaum muda dari umur 13 tahun ke atas! *http://m.supermusic.id/supernoize/roots-rock-rebel-1

Band band tersebut malah Melupakan perjuangan yg sebenarnya dengan membantu dan menutup mata bahwa perusahaan rokok semakin kaya *(http://m.liputan6.com/bisnis/read/2142905/berkat-rokok-3-pengusaha-ini-jadi-orang-terkaya-di-indonesia)

Hanya sedikit yg mau berbicara hanya sedikit yg mau protes karena sudah terlalu lama terbenam dengan doktrin harus menghormati yg tua atau menghormati yg sudah mapan, di sini

JIHAD yg dalam kosa kata arab artinya Berjuang dan di bahasa inggris STRIVE/STRUGLE!berani berbicara

JIHAD DEATH METAL BAND berani bertanya dan berani ‪#‎melawanlupa‬ walau pasti banyak yg nyinyir d an menuduh negative, mereka berani bertanya dengan kesenjangan sosial yg memang ada

SALUT BUAT JIHAD DEATH METAL karena masih tetap existence di jalur yg sama dan memperjuangkan hak hak kita bersama!

It's:nothing personal this is just my opinion and at the same pages NO ONE SAVE FROM CRITICISM AND NO ONE ABOVE THEN OTHER ITS EQUAL IN PROCESS".

Message from BESIDE band [taken from band's fb page]:
"Hari ini adalah peringatan tragedi AACC 9 February 2008, kita bakal mengadakan doa bersama untuk teman2 yang telah mendahului kita,bertempat di Jalan babakan sari 3 RT.05/15 no.235 Kebaktian,Kiara Condong Bandung pukul 18.00,diharapkan kehadiran dari teman-teman sekalian,.,Thx".

"Alhamdulillah..doa bersama untuk #elevenheroes hari ini berjalan dengan baik..terima kasih banyak pada keluarga Almarhum & kerabat yang menyempatkan hadir..semoga silaturahmi ini selalu terjaga smile emoticon

09Feb2008 - 09Feb2016


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